Jessie Mae...

Was a selfish, shrewish witch! I can't imagine any man allowing his wife to talk to such a sweet ,loving momma that way. Mama Watts didn't seem like an awful monster-in-law. Forgive me for wanting to slap Jessie Mae!
Am I the only one?

I don't have low self esteem, I have low esteem for everyone else.-Daria


I thought the same thing about Jessie Mae..Vanessa looks like wonder woman(lynda carter)


I agree. That woman is awful, and I can't believe Ludie allowed her to talk to his mother like that.


Things were a little more balanced in the '85 original. Mother Watts was almost as difficult as Jessie Mae. You could see why 15 years together had brought out the worst in both of them. Tyson and Williams were excellent, but Tyson was a much softer Mother Watts, making Jessie Mae look a little more like a witch.


I can totally understand Jessie Mae and where she was coming from. Basically, her whole frustration in life was taken out on her mother in law. Mrs. Watts.

As an energetic, intelligent 40 something (I think) woman, her life was reduced to babysitting an unhealthy, willful older woman, meeting her friend for soda pops at the drugstore and if she was really lucky, getting her hair done to go watch a movie. Maybe some reading, no TV. Since Jessie Mae had no children, the options of acceptable activities for a middle class Black women were very limited.

Holy crap. We're lucky her only flaws were talking harshly to her MIL.

It's obvious the two of them were going crazy being cooped up together inside the house for so many hours with hardly any distractions. Both had their own faults.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


I seem to be getting from the end of the movie that her mother-in-law Carrie was playing a game with Jessie Mae a bit. I think that dear old Carrie was more provocative than we care to think.
