Waste of time

I started to watch this, because I thought it would be a bit of western and outdoors. I turned it off after the intro. It's like a real housewives show on horseback, except they aren't married. They just sleep around. It's all about the drama, and probably little about actually riding horses. What a waste. These women are just making themselves look like "mattress hopping" sluts. I don't use words like that often, but they said the mattress thing, and showed how they are.


It's like a real housewives show on horseback

That's pretty much the idea.

Benoit killed 2x as many w/o a gun than Belcher did with one/S&W fighting climate change since 1852


Someone could make an interesting documentary by following a pro rodeo circuit. But Rodeo Girls isn't it. It might have been better if the creators had planned this show as a Duck Dynasty-style comedy rather than as a soap opera.
