MovieChat Forums > Still Alice (2015) Discussion > Rich white woman has problems

Rich white woman has problems




Sorry to feed the trolls, but... She wasn't rich. Well off, yes. And she was more than wealthy. She was well educated, well known, and well respected. She wasn't Paris Hilton!
And she was human. You can't find any compassion for her?
Would you rather have seen her a cafe waitress? Another culture? The point was she was smart, educated, and in the field of verbal communications. And she lost her voice and memory.


He's not a troll.

Cmon, rich people don't see us as humans, why should we?

His point is that if she was poor and lived in another country, hollywood would never pay to make the movie, and people in USA would care sht about her.

There are thousands of movies about south america people being killed by north america murderers. And there are REAL north america murderers that killed us and were never punished by USA judges.

How you call it trolling is another evidence.


by registers-944-48791 »

Cmon, rich people don't see us as humans, why should we?


He's not a troll... His point is that if she was poor and lived in another country...



Come throw a couple bomb on my house. It will make you rich and your life perfect.



In NYC, $100k/yr is not a lot of money. It is truly middle class. The combined income with her husband is what made her upper-middle class.

I live in south Brooklyn and made $82k last year. I'm single, live alone, and do not live extravagantly. I buy furniture from Ikea and clip coupons. I cannot imagine being able to afford raising a kid in this city, let alone THREE kids on my salary.


Actually, thank you for sharing that. It makes me a bit more thankful for being happy with what I have.


Everyone gets used to a certain way of living. If you grow up poor you get accustomed to living that way. You grow up rich you get accustomed to living that way. Does not mean the rich never experience hardships or pain.


But when they do, they can pay to solve it.

Rih people problem: "Oh man I'm tired, I'm gonna take a sabbath year to rest, my work won't miss me and I'll have it back whenever I ask"

Poor people problem: "Cmon my work coleage is a dumbass and has double my salary just because he befriends the boss, he's envy of me and scared of me taking his position, now he's threatening me on the boss so I get fired. If he succeeds, I won't pay the appartment rent next month and will have nowhere to live."


Well the movie proves otherwise. You can't pay to make Alzheimer's go away



And how about the technology that helps a lot? And how about the sabbath year to best live the last year? And how about all the medics, exams and medicines?

Yes you don't know at all what's be poor.


Boo hoo. Affirmative action? Being handed everything on a plate? Opening our mouths and we're considered racist? We owe you everything? I think we're the ones who should complain. Enjoy your day?


If you don't like films about 'rich white women,' don't watch them.



Other than those who inherit or win millions, most people who are comfortable got there through making wise choices, good decisions and hard work.
Everyone is entitled to an education some people use that opportunity better than others.
Those who end up at the bottom of the pile were not necessarily born at the bottom of the pile. Many people who are born poor, work their backsides off and gain some level of security. Many people go to second rate schools and still work to get the best they can from it. Others just don't want to work, they screwed around at school and ran with the wrong crowd making terrible decisions. But it's easier to blame someone else than look at the awful decisions that have been made.

Alice didn't go around thinking the world owed her a living. Everything she has, her and her husband have most probably worked for it. Moaning at Doctors and Professors for being rich is kinda dumb as it completely ignores the decades of work they have put in to get there.

We are all mostly one or two bad decisions away from skid-row. Having an affair that destroys a marriage, taking drugs, gambling, driving drunk, making poor investments, looking at things on the internet that are known taboos and / or doing something about it.

So do I feel sorry for people at the bottom because of their own dumb decisions? No, not really. Keep it in your pants, say no to drugs, don't throw money away, get a taxi instead of driving when you have had a few, don't get greedy and don't be a pervert. It is very, very simple.

So Rich white woman has problems...... translates as woman who has dedicated her life to education working very hard along the way, missing parties and whatnot to study and has passed that gained education down to people who want to learn and work.... gets an illness that is not her fault..... But it's easier to sit on your arse and moan about it. Being bitter won't help you. Start to make wiser choices, it is never too late.



"Other than those who inherit or win millions, most people who are comfortable got there through making wise choices, good decisions and hard work."

I've only read this, couldn't read the rest.

Yes, rich people seems to be innocent. Oh wait, no, they just pretend to not know and don't care!


I take it you don't see yourself as comfortably off and have everybody else to blame for it except yourself?

You want more but don't want to work for it so take it people who have worked all their lives.

Alice is not RICH! she has to go to work, she wants to go to work she wants to help others why should she not be paid for that? If she stops work, she loses her house, that is not RICH.

People are so jealous and bitter at people who have made better decisions and have worked harder. You don't like it but that is pretty much it. Didn't work hard enough at school and so on until you look at people who have built something and you want to take it from them because it is easier than working for it.

The something for nothing brigade are here! Stop feeling sorry for yourself and go get a better job.



You want me to get rich by working?

So explain me why I do the same work as your neightbor and he earns 20 times what I do. Then tell me why he has great schools available, and his employer supports and even pays him to become a better professional.

Finally give me your oppinion on why my neihtbor travels to USA trying to work and earn the same yours do, and the eny jobs he's able to be accepted is for bricklayer and waiter.


by registers-944-48791 » Fri Jul 17 2015 11:55:03
IMDb member since January 2011
You want me to get rich by working?

So explain me why I do the same work as your neightbor and he earns 20 times what I do. Then tell me why he has great schools available, and his employer supports and even pays him to become a better professional.

Finally give me your oppinion on why my neihtbor travels to USA trying to work and earn the same yours do, and the eny jobs he's able to be accepted is for bricklayer and waiter.

You want me to get rich by working?

Nope. Not really.

What I don't want you to do is act like a dumb-ass just because the rich people are meanies. Be smart for a moment and look at what you wrote: "Cmon, rich people don't see us as humans, why should we?". Have you ever heard of the expression "two wrongs don't make a right"? Or maybe you have and don't believe in that principle?

"His point is that if she was poor and lived in another country, hollywood would never pay to make the movie, and people in USA would care sht about her"

You've identified the egocentric nature of man everywhere in the world. What's your point? Are you really any different? After all, you are complaining about why YOU don't have it better, while atrocities are happening to others in the world. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

So explain me why I do the same work as your neightbor and he earns 20 times what I do. Then tell me why he has great schools available, and his employer supports and even pays him to become a better professional.

Sure, the government, your entire country, is corrupt (when aren't they?), but don't forget so are you. We all are. I called you idiot because you single out a group of people like rich or poor is the defining factor. Give the poor the rich people's wealth and it's only a matter of time before the tables are turned. So the bottom line is: man is the problem. Man is the one allowing this to happen.

What you should do is criticize everyone, including yourself - no, especially yourself! If you did that, if everyone did that, then the world would be a much better place. But today, like it's always been, it's "us vs them". Always this stupid and sluggish mentality of man.

Also, you should be careful when labeling rich and poor - they look different in different parts of the world. For example, the kind of poor you describe is very much different in the country I live in (universities are free and you can get school loans + a small grant every month by the state). Yet, the poor people in my country are not taking these great opportunities that doesn't even exist in the worlds greatest and only superpower. In fact, many are trying to compare their situation to yours (which is much different and harder) as an excuse to why they don't have the same wealth as the one going through the necessary and AVAILABLE (to everyone) steps. Again, people are egocentric and create trouble wherever they go; doesn't matter which group they belong to.
With that said, I feel for you. You sound like you can and would educate yourself further if it was affordable. But I suggest you put the blame where it belongs: your fellow man that don't stick up for you because they aren't personally affected or because they don't care.

Where are you from btw?


I know, right? Why don't we just round up all the rich white women and put them to death? She got what she deserved. Even if she did work for everything she had, so what. She's white, she's rich and she's a woman. Yee Gods, does it get ANY WORSE THAN THAT? She deserves no compassion whatsoever. DIE b*****es DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


For sure USA deserves 10 or 20 nuclear bombs on their faces.

Or, better yet, just give back all the money they took from South and Central America.


Posts like these are the new trend on IMDB. In "All is Lost", Robert Redford is by himself on a sail boat in the ocean and things go wrong, but the comments were "rich white guy on a sail boat who cares."
