CHUCK anyone?!

i'm sorry if this has been posted before, but just *how* can this be SUCH a photocopy of tv series chuck?!

come on, even the handler/girlfriend?!

anyway, it was fun to watch.

books, records, films - these things matter.


Who or what now?


YEah, there was definitely a Chuck vibe, but Chuck as directed by Peckinpah or Tarantino. What a freaking awesome film!!

30 inches of thigh slapping, blood pumping, nuclear brain damage!


right? but i liked chuck better. i mean, i just watched the first 3 seasons, 'cause then it got kinda lame.

meh. wouldn't say "freaking awesome", but yeah cool. sort of in the style of kickass, but not as cool.

books, records, films - these things matter.


I don't know. It was basically a meld of American indie film and action movie, both of which I enjoy very much. Chuck was aimed at a much broader audience, it was great in a quaint sort of way. I guess it has similarities to Kickass, would make a great double feature!

30 inches of thigh slapping, blood pumping, nuclear brain damage!


It was basically a meld of American indie film and action movie, both of which I enjoy very much.

yeah, me too. i guess i didn't enjoy it as much because it seemed like such a copy of chuck, so i didn't think it was original.

books, records, films - these things matter.


I'm here to say same thing
This movie like rubbish version of Chuck


If this is a copy of Chuck, then surely Chuck must be a ripoff of The Bourne franchise...


The second I heard handler, I pictured Chuck!! Miss that show!


But wasn't Chuck "funnier" and way less violent?

The base concept isn't new and certainly predates bourne (as someone mentioned) though see also it being bourne satire....and well there ya go.


It was aimed more at a TV audience so it would need to be tamer


With the "activation code" I rather thought: "Winter Soldier". And Chuck only had intelligence information in his head, no fighting skills.
