MovieChat Forums > Logan (2017) Discussion > Logan has effectively ruined Days of Fut...

Logan has effectively ruined Days of Future Past

Days of Future Past is my favourite X-Men movie...and it's just been ruined. It's really sad because I actually really enjoyed Logan...but this movie has come at a cost for me. It's the truth... Allow me to explain my reasoning.

First of all, it's clear to me (for various reasons I won't get into now) that this movie is absolutely set in the alternate/good future seen at the end of Days of Future Past (around 6 years or so after that ending scene). Due to Charles' seizure the X-Men were practically destroyed (the Westchester Incident, as it's called)...this proves that Hank was right in Days of Future Past. The future cannot be changed. It seems as though mutants are simply destined to be destroyed and wiped out, and nothing can change that. Because Logan succeeded in Days of Future Past, the future was (temporarily) changed...but it just couldn't last. It's almost as though fate itself has got a mind in this franchise. Charles accidentally wiping out the X-Men along with God knows how many more mutants is essentially the current correcting itself (as Hank put it).

Now, if this was always the message behind the whole franchise (that the future cannot be changed), then I would be more accepting. BUT, it's clear to me that this is clearly two different forces combating against each other. Singer wants the future to be bright for mutant kind, while Mangold wants a future of hardship for the mutants. The problem is, this clashes with the WHOLE message of Days of Future Past. The very last lines were, 'for the future is never truly set'. Well, apparently it is. Mutants are screwed however you look at it...

I started to get a bit worried last year, actually, with X-Men Apocalypse (where Singer shot himself in the foot), when we saw that Wolverine did indeed end up becoming weapon X, therefore ruining the very last scene of Days of Future Past (where Mystique saves him from Stryker). That's when I started to worry about Logan, as I realised that the ultimately happy ending of Days of Future Past was becoming under threat.

I'm sorry for this lengthy post, but I'm quite frankly annoyed. As much as I enjoyed has ruined Days of Future Past for me...



Thanks, Reese.


It's not possible this film exists in DOFP continuity. A few posts about that here, just scroll down. It can't existed in old continuity either. This film is in fact, just terrible. And that's it.


Well, I think it was a very good film. I'm just annoyed that it's ruined the ending of DOFP for me. I don't understand what you're saying, though. The film doesn't fit in either continuity? How could that possibly work? There's too many references to other X-Men movies for that work.


DOFP was a dime a dozen comic book movie. Logan was an amazing film. Sorry your cheesy popcorn flick got "ruined". Lol.


Plus DOFP isn't even in the timeline with Logan. The Wolverine movies were always standalone films outside of the First Class universe.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


Logan isn't set in a different timeline. The movie's director has gone on record saying that the 'Westchester incident' occurred six months after the ending of DOFP.


Six years actually.


Really? Are you sure? The movie itself is set in 2029 (six years after the ending of DOFP). And it seems like Xavier and Logan have been living like this for some time.


Absolute BS. DOFP was anything but a 'dime a dozen comic book movie'. It's the best out of all the X-Men movies (the IMDb rating agrees with me on this). Yes, Logan is a great movie, but it does ruin the ending of DOFP.


It really doesn't when you consider the time is like a river theory.


But that's just it. The time is like a river theory was (seemingly) disproved with the ending of DOFP. Xavier disagrees with Hank's theory, believing that the future can indeed be changed for the better, refusing to accept that the current can't be changed. And the ending showed that off incredibly. Not only was the bad future changed, but other events were altered for the better, too. Jean and Scott were still alive, Wolverine was saved by Mystique, etc, etc. But Logan has ruined all this. It's a shame because I do love both movies. I just feel that Logan's success has come at the expense of DOFP.


Except the monologue at the end of DOFP said that you can change the tide, not the current. Changing the tide of a river doesn't change the direction of the water moves, just how it moves. If you want proof just look at how Rogue has white streaks at the end of DOFP. Not to mention the writer and director have stated since the film's release that the theory was correct.

In Xavier seemly starts to reconsider the theory.

And Mystique only saved Wolverine from drowning in a lake, you have to remember that Logan went into the military and VOLUNTEERED for Weapon X, similar to Wade Wilson in Deadpool.


Yes, some events were seemingly destined to happen (Rogue having white streaks in her hair at the end shows that the Liberty Island event still occurred), but the ending of DOFP does clearly hint that things have been changed for the better on the whole for everyone. The cracks first appeared in Apocalypse, really, because it showed that Wolverine still became Weapon X. And in this new timeline we don't even know how it happened (I doubt that Wolverine volunteered this time, because the only reason he volunteered in the first place was because he wanted to kill his brother Victor for some reason or other (I can't remember all of what happened in Origins)). I just think they need to plan ahead a bit more, that's all.


It wasn't just the Weapon X scene, but Magneto losing his family again and going on a dark path that hurts peace between humans and mutant like in X3, and of course the dialogue at the end. His role in DOFP also mirrored X2.

Wolverine did volunteered considering he has the same exact military identification tags in Logan.


Magneto didn't have a family in the original timeline, though. He only went to Europe because of what happened in DOFP (he could hardly remain in America after the incident at the White House).


I know. What I am saying is that time was correcting itself by wiping out the family and making him Magneto.


Ah, yes. I see what you mean now. But the whole events of Apocalypse don't make much sense to me when it comes to timelines. I mean, why did Apocalypse wake up in the alternate timeline but not in the original one? Why would that have been altered by Wolverine travelling through time? Was that ever brought up by the writers or Singer?


They do explain that in the movie. It's because of that fact that mutants were revealed to public earlier in a positive light and that created the cult which unearthed Apocalypse.


Really? I don't remember that been specifically mentioned in the movie. Still, it does make sense. Thanks.


Apocalypse wasn't unearthed by a cult. Moira woke him up by accident.


It was the cult that made that possible.


X2 united is by far the best xmen movie. DOFP is a bit embarrassing I was being kind when calling it a dime a dozen comic movie


BS man. X2 is vastly overrated. Honestly, I even prefer X-Men and X-Men First Class to it.


Lol. X2 and Logan are the only movies that excel at establishing memorable characters based on personalities, the hallmarks of a good film, but whatever you say. Enjoy your DOFP with nothing memorable besides special effects.


You do realise that DOFP was extremely well received, don't you? In fact, it's regarded as being the best of all X-Men movies. Face it, you're in the minority here, buddy.


Lol. The minority. An honor


I categorically agree with the OP. I was shocked that it hasn't been brought up more anywhere. It's a huge slap in the face to DOFP. It does what Alien 3 did to Aliens but times a million. Unbelievable.


Well, it's good to hear that some people agree with me on this. I'm also shocked that it hasn't been brought up more.


No worries. Timelines are all over the place in the Marvel universe, and the future presented in Logan may be just one of thousands of possible futures. That's possible when time travel has been introduced. :)

Still, we've got four great movies out of the franchise so far: X-Men, X2, DOFP, and Logan.

I've enjoyed the journey so far, and hope there is more to come.


You are so right


Continuity within X-films has been pretty flimsy for a long time now. I've eventually come to consider each one a stand alone movie. It's easier to enjoy them that way.


I agree. Treat them as a "What would happen if...." is the best way to enjoy them.
