Children of Men

This show reminds me of.....but so far I am very intrigued by this show.

HRH Darth Madonna of Minas Tirith, servant of Eywah



We're gonna need a bigger boat.



I thought the same thing. :-)

Although I still find the idea interesting, I'm not expecting to enjoy it more than said film. If, in this series, the general point becomes trying to find the cause for the state of things it will likely draw a lot of attention away from the characters. Children Of Men made no such attempt to look for a cause or solution to the world's problem and it was much better for it--because it focused more on society's degradation and moral compass.

Obviously I haven't seen the show yet but I'm hoping right away that it follows that path. If that happens, The Lottery has a fighting chance to be a big winner.


Unfortunately the show is very inferior to COM, actually COM blows it out of the water. The lead character, the blond doctor, cannot act.

Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.


Well the pilot was intresting but they really started off with a bad guy right off the gate. maybe they want more conflict straight up so the audiance have some action. Still better than the helix or extant.



This is no coincidence, the creator of the show is one of COM's writers.

Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.
