MovieChat Forums > UnREAL (2015) Discussion > Coleman's personality/character and Cri...

Coleman's personality/character and Crime

I've never made one of these before but I'm curious to see if people agree.

This season, I felt that coleman's character did an almost complete 360.

The very first time they kissed, he backed off and asked if it was ok for a quick sec. Even if he was using her talents, he did have every intention of getting Rachel out of there. When she told him about the rape, he was kind and understanding. He got her away from her mother. My point is that even if he was another lying, manipulative producer it wouldn't change the way he acts about sensitive topics. Then all of sudden he's ruthless! Telling her that no one could handle her, cheating, switching to use her for advantage. It was insane.

That's what I thought at least.

My other point that not many people will agree on is that for me, for shows like this, it has to need with characters getting the consequences they deserve. So eventually, I'd like to see Jeremy rot in jail, Shia (was that her name?) convicted for Mary, and the show shut down. Eventually. Not now. But I believe the characters need to get what they deserve or it just enters this crazy realm of unreality.


I was suspicious that he was too good to be true. I know people form instant connections on TV but his dedication to Rachel from so early on seemed a bit much to me. Why is so convinced that she can make “important” TV? What has seen her do besides get the first black suitor? Even though he has good reason to distrust Quinn I would expect most people to have some doubts. If he can tap her phone he can check into her background but he keeps insisting Rachel is “fine”. Also when she walks in on him in a meeting with the Network guy, it’s clear from what that guy says that he’s been talking Rachel up. As far as I can see he really didn’t do anything wrong here and Rachel is fine with it. His whole “I would never have a meeting without you, we’re a team” seems over the top to me especially for someone in his position.

In retrospect I think there were a number of clues about his character which build against him as it goes along:

When Coleman first came he told Rachel that going behind Quinn’s back is something he would have done.

He made a decision to take the show in Chet’s direction, but only because he wanted to give Chet enough rope to hang himself and his plan was to let Quinn come in at that point and save the day rather than being straightforward.

A truly decent person would have at least some moral qualms about locking a woman up and casting a fake mother to get her to breakdown.

There are managers who lift up there team and managers who take all the credit. He’s fine with getting the car/taking credit for Quinn’s work.

He has a connection at his fingertips that he can sneak in to give Diarus and epidural (putting him at risk of being paralyzed for life)

When thing with Rubie's Dad happens he accuses Rachel of trusting Quinn instead of him and behaves coldly toward her, which in retrospect strikes me as really controlling, it’s like he can’t let Rachel consider two ideas and choose one, she’s either loyal to him or loyal to Quinn and there’s no in-between, ever.

When Rachel wants to intervene with the cops he stops her saying something like, “when it’s hard that’s how you know you’re doing something right” (He puts getting the footage against everyone’s safety.)

When he takes Rachel out of the mental institution he takes her into the office and films her while she’s still too drugged to make her own decision.

When she told him about the Rape I couldn’t read his face. He says the right things but his expression could have been anything from anger about what happened to her, to “she really is a mess, to “how can I use this”?

He is easily able to hack her phone.


THIS ^^^ That's how I assessed Coleman too.


I saw it like he was genuinely kind but he really liked using that kindness to advance professionally, and he was quite ambitious and secretly very egocentric. He was so drawn to damaged girls because it made him feel superior. Notice how he rebuffed Yael until she had no make up on and was crying about crapping herself on national tv. That was when he was turned on by her.


This season, I felt that coleman's character did an almost complete 360.

no, cause then that would mean he didn't change at all 

i agree his change was a complete 180 tho but i think they rushed through it, especially with the exposition dump in the first minute of the last ep with Rachel saying how she talked to his ex about his documentary sham. it seemed like way too much important information at the last minute to help us get on rachel's side XD

I used to be indecisive. Now, I'm not so sure.


I think he did like Rachel to some extent but the real switch came when she confessed about Mary's death/murder, then from there he just couldn't care less about Rachel or anyone else on the show.

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