MovieChat Forums > Deep Web (2015) Discussion > Can anyone tell me what the German text ...

Can anyone tell me what the German text at the end says?

Towards the end of the film there are some subtitles explaining the aftermath of the events that we saw. My copy was in German, can anyone tell me what was said in English, or show me where I can see for myself? Thank you, danke!


Same here.
Kind of an anti-climax having sat through the whole thing.

Two for flinching!


"Someday we could be a shining beacon of hope for the oppressed people of the world just as so many oppressed and violated souls have found refuge here already.

Will it happen overnight? No. Will it happen in a lifetime? I don't know. Is it worth fighting for until my last breath? Of course.

Once you've seen what's possible, how can you do otherwise?"


jarno-ronkainen, that quote was spoken in English at the end of the film.

I've taken screenshots and used Microsoft OneNote to convert text from the jpgs. The bit before that said:

Am 25. März 2015 wurde Strafanzeige gegen zwei leitende FBI-Agenten der Silk Road-Task Force von Baltimore gestellt. lhnen wurde unter anderem vorgeworfen sie hàtten Bitcoins im Wert von über einer Million Dollar von Silk Road gestohien und auf private Konten transferiert.

Diese Ermittlungen wurden auf Anordnung der Regierung für Ulbrichts Verteidigung während der Verhandlung nicht zugelassen.

Am 29. Mai 2015 wurde Ross Ulbricht zu einer lebenslangen Freiheitsstrafe ohne Bewàhrung verurteilt.

Roughly translates to:

On March 25, 2015 a lawsuit was made against two senior FBI agents of the Silk Road Task Force of Baltimore. They were accused, among other things, of having Bitcoins worth over one million dollars of Silk Road transferred to private accounts.

These investigations were on the order of the Government for Ulbricht defense not admitted during the trial.

On 29 May 2015 Ross Ulbricht was sentenced to life imprisonment without preservation.

And the statement before the court case:

Ich habe als Erwachsener immer versucht, eine positive Einstellung zu behalten.

Und jetzt ist es umso wichtiger, daran festzuhalten.

Ich habe es mit einem sehr mächtigen Gegner zu tun.

Es wäre einfach

jetzt die Hoffnung zu verlieren und aufzugeben

aber das wäre falsch.

Es ist nicht hoffnungslos.

Ich werde die Hoffnung nie aufgeben

wieder frei zu sein.

Roughly translates to:

I have as an adult always tries to keep a positive attitude.

And now it is all the more important to have.

I have to do it with a very powerful opponent.

It would be easy

now the hope of losing and giving up

but that would be wrong.

It is not hopeless.

I'll never give up hope

to be free again.


Thank you all for your replys.
