Serious Error.

This movie is titled Deep Web. Deep web is not the same thing that their subject is about. Dark net is what the subject is about. Everyone uses deep web everyday. I haven't seen this yet but I can only assume they didn't do much research if they used the wrong term to title their movie.


Then you should watch it before making stupid assumptions. This is one of the first lines of the documentary: "This hidden area of the Deep Web is called the Dark Net".


That's a broad statement. I don't use the deep web ever and I am part of the everybody that you claim uses it daily.


when you go to you doctor's portal to view you health information that's the deep web...unless you're stuck in the stone age you use the deep web...


The hell is a doctors portal? I go to the doctors office, like a normal person.


You can make appointments, and get test results online.

It's a bit of a stretch to call it the Deep Web though.

Deep Web is anything that isn't indexed by search engines.

The doctors portal/website would be indexed, the page that's generated with your personal info, is not.
That page is the Deep Web.


I haven't seen this yet but I can only assume.....


Two for flinching!


You can laugh all you want, he/she still has a very valid point.
After seeing the movies title, and then reading up on it's actual content, I had exactly the same reaction as him/her: It does not match up.

It's like making a movie about Tennessee and then call it "America".


I don't know about SERIOUS ERROR.
That seems pretty dramatic.
Nobody died from the title.

But it's a bad choice for a title.
You couldn't make a movie about the Deep Web, it would only be 5 minutes long.

Anything online that's NOT indexed by search engines. The End.


I agree with your point. I started watching this assuming it would be more about the Deep and Dark secrets of the internet. While it was all about the arrest of ONE guy and One Forum. Misleading Marketing


Movie titles aren't always, (not usually really), literal in meaning and that includes documentaries. The title is "Deep Web" and not a literal reference to 'the deep web'. "Deep Web" could be the name of an erotic thriller, it could have a couple of different meanings based on the content and context of the movie.


The title "Darknet" was likely avoided to prevent confusion with the television series.
