Linda Hamilton

Has she really aged that badly in just a few years or did they deliberately make her look so rough?


Heavy smoker.

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You're in every Syfy movies board. Who devotes that much time to something they don't enjoy? Pretty sad.


I think their movies are horrible, but I actually watch just too see how pathetic the writing and effects can get. It's the equivalent of watching all those grade z movies from years ago.


I enjoy the good bad movie as much as the next guy, but if you're not getting some enjoyment from them and you're still watching them, there's something wrong with you.


Her face had more wrinkles than my nutsack after coming out of ice water. I doubt they would intentionally try and ugly her up for such a cheap film. Her rough appearance was quite shocking.


Lighten Up, Francis. Yeah, she looks a little rough, but for the role she's cast in, she's pretty good as the "grizzled admiral." I can get over the uniform errors and the stock footage of a moth-balled battleship, but I am surprised that Linda Hamilton, yes, our kick-ass Linda from T2, is involved in this kind of production. I suppose everyone has to pay the bills.

"It's a long way down to the bottom of the warp core..." --Geordi LaForge


Not only does she look like a smoker, but in every close-up I could swear she felt suicidal.



Had crush on her from T2 she did aged badly
