Comic-book movie.

This was a comic-book movie hoping to be taken as a serious comment about something or other. Somebody obviously thought, Hey, using drones in Afghanistan is a "dramatic" subject, let's make a movie about it! But they had nothing else, just that. So, some damn fool said, "Hey, let's add a conflicted military guy! And of course, we gotta add the obligatory bickering of the dissatisfied wife! Wouldn't be an "American" movie without that! And we'll have a "tough but understanding" Commander, and let's throw in some heavy drinking, some pointless sex scenes, and the inevitable "redemption" scene at the end. And just to make sure we really make a bomb of a movie, let's give the lead role to a talentless, expressionless nerd.

Bloody hell, I'm just about ready to quit watching movies!
