Sci-Fi + Superstition

Until I saw this 'What if?' Program and heard the host James Woods for two episodes, I was annoyed to discover the unsettling statistic that there's a host on the Science Channel that mentions the mass illusion known colloquially as god more often than Morgan Freeman does in Through The Wormhole.

This channel's goal should be furthering the interest of the populous into the many fields of science and Sci-Fi. Instead the output is just a little stunted in regard towards any growth and rational understanding of the world around us without relying on fairy tales.

Science only makes sense when it is completely biased towards hard facts and conclusions brought about via scientific theory and not superstitious malarkey. Don't assume to know the definition of theory in respect to science. You're probably incorrect.


So what would be considered proof? Just because you can not understand something does not mean it does not exist. We make up stuff like dark matter and dark energy even though we have no idea what they are, yet we say those things need to exist since we exist. Same way many things you might say are superstition maybe just an effect of things we do not understand yet. God may or may not exist, but that is only because we do not think someone or thing intervened to cause the big bang. It just happened without a cause... Just because we subscribe something we can not conceive to something we have a concept of does not mean it is that way. IE God might not be human or look anything like us or something that we might ever understand so we describe it as well its a giant man. God might be a function of the universe, a particle, a wave, some godly matter, what ever.. That does not mean it does not exist and it does not affect even out daily lives.

it really rile me that people can be so adamant about things when they do not understand most of our universe to begin with. Heck they don't even understand much of what we see and do everyday. Just by making up an explanation you dont understand something when you can not explain everything else as well.
