Part 2- the ending

The ending sucked. I wanted to see how they escaped and how it looked like beyond their home. They should make a part two starting right off from the train into the escape and maybe find other people there ? Or I don't know. Someone give me something ?


Yeah I agree- tho I suppose it was an open ending that we could base our own ideas on.
Plus, was he starting to feel again and how would that pan out? And the baby?


I wanted to know too. Would Silas ever feel again? Would Nia be able to stay with him, now that he only remembers they loved, and went with her because "it was the plan."? I thought they him touching her hand at the end seemed to show that he would regain his ability to love. But I also wanted to know what they would find on the peninsula. Would there be other people there? Would they have formed a society? I don't know if all that merits a second movie, but I wish we would have seen through to their arrival at the peninsula.


There's not much that they can show. This is the situation where open ending is the best, let the audience use their imagination and dream of a perfect ending that fits your mood. If they tried to go into "part 2" they would've ruined the movie, because everyone would've been disappointed.


Whether their escape was successful or not was never the point.


obviously the treatment doesn't work so really the whole society could collapse


agreed, I hate open ending
enjoyed the rest of the movie though
