Cabbage soup anyone?

Has anyone sampled this particular delicacy? Sounds delicious.



doesn't appeal to me. possibly tastes like liquid sauerkraut


To Spamalot or not to Spamalot?


Cabbage soup from a tin doesn't sound so good, but I can vouch for cabbage soup made from scratch, according to Swedish traditional recipes, being absolutely delicious. It's on the menu for many nursing homes in Sweden, more difficult to get in a restaurant, but it's easy to make at home. Here are recipes, in Swedish, but you can use Google translate or something if interested. I checked, Google translate from Swedish to English is almost completely accurate for these recipes.

This one is with cabbage, potatoes, carrot and pork, lots of spices.

This other one is the more popular and traditional one with just cabbage and lots of stock, syrup and spices. Is usually served with frikadeller, a boiled instead of fried version of pork meatballs.

Here's one recipe for frikadeller, just ignore the pasta and tomato sauce:
