MovieChat Forums > Power (2014) Discussion > Angela never loved ghost?

Angela never loved ghost?

I'm sure #teamangela people may not agree BUT hear me could Angela arrest Ghost without ever talking to him first? All the other times she asked him questions he told her the truth, but this time she just decided to embarrass and arrest him at his club!?!!?
Yes, of course she was heartbroken because he broke up with her BUT Tasha was cheated on, lied to and used but never turned on Ghost the way Angela just did! She was even ready at the club to help on this episode.
I can't stand Angela and can't believe I have to hold on to this anger for a whole year until Power comes back on!!!!!


Because she has spoken to him and thinks he lied to her. He DID admit to having an altercation with Greg, now Greg is dead. Ghost thinks the same about Angela. She tells him the truth, he doesn't believe her. Now they have to deal with this Mike dude, that actually killed Greg.

Of course she really loved him. She wouldn't have risked her job for him, if she didn't love him. She's pissed off, that everything is spinning out of control, and Ghost is implicated in most of it.


Plus Greg is dead in a bloody mess on the floor and Ghost's prints are on the window. MJ laid it on Angela that Greg really loved her. And as far as Angela knows, Ghost is off into the happy sunset with Karen and Tasha. Sure, Ghost just told Angela they could be together now, but he said that before. Angela is feeling like she needs redemption and Justice. Though I've never heard of an AUSA arresting anybody themselves.


Because an AUSA doesn't have the power of arrest! They're lawyers, an officer of the court.
Power of arrest is with Police only and i wish TV shows would reflect this and not create BS situations for TV when they're so false Google dispels them!!

Sorry I Tried To Spit-roast Your Mom


They apparently wanted the drama of Angela cuffing ghost in Truth. And figured their viewers are too dumb to know better.


Tasha has all that drug money the bitch won't want for nothing, Angela still has to work to earn a living in that Nike shoebox she calls a home.


The writers are just stupid! All they try to do is get ratings. This show been pissing me the F off! Man F Angela!! Dumb Mexican slut!


Angela is not Mexican on the show. She's Boriqua (Puerto Rican).


That poster needs some Xanax. She is not a mexican lmfao When was Angela even Mexican to begin with ?


I don't understand the love that's represented in this show. Help me out here:

Angela convinces herself that she's in love with James. Pushes things along so he'll conclude his marriage to Tasha then demands time with his kids. Evening with the kids doesn't go so well as James disappears into the night. Beleaguered by baby and mama drama, she decided that she really doesn't want to be with him but he beats her to it and ends the relationship.

Same night, she runs back to her ex whose career she ruined with false allegations. Believing James is back with his wife, but not really, she goes all in with the man who's exacting his revenge against her -- but who really loves or loved her.

Yet all the while she was with James, she never trusted him, always doubted him (once a cheater), half-assed believed in him, but loved the gifts he bestowed upon her (except when he paid the rent), and OH-the-sex.

This is what I think: Angela simply does not want to be alone. She also relishes discord.

When we first saw Angela, she'd grown tired of Greg. Ended things so she could be with the exciting night club owner, suspected narcotics wholesaler, and married man. After Greg became relentless in his quest to end her career, she's all into him again.

Likewise, after James exploited her and messed up her job, she moved him in.

Now embittered, or grief-stricken?, and/or fed up?, she moves in to kill James' dream too. Arrests him in the middle of his big black tie affair.

From Angela, it's not love, it's high stakes cat-and-mouse.

More essays about love in this series:



All good what you say. Ambition rules the day as far as she's concerned. After all she's got the bathroom all to herself at work (she better not try to jimmy that tampon machine or they'll know, oh wait... she can lift fingerprints...from... Holly!) She's got her venge going on, which I hope, Ghost's attorney (I like his style) is just gonna smack her skinny ass a new one. Tasha does a good job of puttin her down as well.
See what happens when you leave a pair of handcuffs laying around?!


Yup, weakest point of the show for me. I can't get into any of the portrayals of romantic love, least of all the one that's supposed to be the most prominent. That's why I said I didn't think he'd end up with Angela or Tasha. As crazy as it sounds Tommy and Holly seemed to be more in love than Jamie and Angie.


You and I will always feel the same way about Angela, no matter what post lol

Now if Ghost can only understand what we see..


Great point! She really is in love with the Ghost chase

I like my world sunny side up!


There is #teamAngela? Who can even like that bitch?


Check the #PowerStarz tag on twitter. Her fandom is ridiculous. You'd think she was a real person.


There is #teamAngela? Who can even like that bitch?

Oh! We're here. And there are MANY of us.

We were on our way to Midnight Mass!


Both Ghost and Angela were in love with what could have been rather than each other.

I don't trust people who don't like pets and I don't trust people who pets don't like.


I think we TV watchers are supposed to believe Angela did love Ghost. I'm not going to say Angela never loved Ghost. It seems to me that Angela arrested him because she never EVER got over the fact that Jamie aka Ghost played her and was better at being deceitful.

She never suspected anything was wrong. At some point she suspected, which is when Holly and her talked in the bathroom. And then Angela tried to be a detective and snoop and clone his phone or whatever she did last season. And then Ghost had the attorney get Tommy out of jail and her brought up on sanctions or whatever that was.

Angela was angry, but she went back to Ghost. They tried to play house and move on, but she never got over not catching Ghost red handed or in an out-and-out lie. He was sooo slippery.

I think this was her chance to make him pay for all the other things he did that made her feel stupid.


I think we TV watchers are supposed to believe Angela did love Ghost. I'm not going to say Angela never loved Ghost. It seems to me that Angela arrested him because she never EVER got over the fact that Jamie aka Ghost played her and was better at being deceitful.

She never suspected anything was wrong. At some point she suspected, which is when Holly and her talked in the bathroom. And then Angela tried to be a detective and snoop and clone his phone or whatever she did last season. And then Ghost had the attorney get Tommy out of jail and her brought up on sanctions or whatever that was.

Angela was angry, but she went back to Ghost. They tried to play house and move on, but she never got over not catching Ghost red handed or in an out-and-out lie. He was sooo slippery.

I think this was her chance to make him pay for all the other things he did that made her feel stupid.

or maybe Angela felt it was best to finally do the right thing and bring ghost in after she suspected him of killing an Greg. I'm pretty sure as much as she may love ghost, she's not willing to bend the rules over something as heinous as the murder that ghost is suspected of committing. She may love ghost, but she is not crooked enough to let that one slide.

My eyes are watching you


Angela is a horrible person, she's just selfish and manipulative and plays the "I'm to sweet" card at every opertunity, I really can't stand her character lol
