MovieChat Forums > Power (2014) Discussion > Surely this is the end of Ghost and Ange...

Surely this is the end of Ghost and Angela

There's no coming back from her arresting him in his pride and Joy


I actually thought the end was solidified over the course of the final few episodes. Angela has consistently shown that she's repulsed by Ghost since the breakup "I can't wait for this to be over so we never have to see each other again." She's come across as someone that will stick to her guns (no pun intended) and hate Ghost forever.

The only way I could see Angela falling for Ghost again is if he takes a bullet for her and ends up not dead, or something else extreme.


LOL. If anyone is taking a bullet it will be Angie when Ghost blows her brains out. He won't want to do it but she might him in a position where he's forced to.


At this point, I don't think its about Angela taking Ghost back. It's Ghost who doesn't want her back.



Throughout the entirety of the series, we've never really seen a moment where Ghost doesn't want to be with Angela deep down. I don't see that changing when the new season starts, even with this arrest. Ghost will just blame himself for being careless about leaving fingerprints and not blame Angela. I'm "guessing" he'll still want her next season, but Angela will not reciprocate.


I agree. They are not over yet. Ghost will still want Angela. They have admitted to each other that there is no trust left...but Ghost still loves Angela. I think, in the next season, we will see Ghost humble himself in ways that will make us cringe - in an attempt to get back with Angela. Angela still represents a legitimacy that Ghost will always crave, and he will never stop trying to be legitimate. And, Angela will still try to help him, even though she arrested him. The lawyer, Proctor, is right about Ghost. He is a lost cause when it comes to Angela. Ghost will accept her visits and will be ready to forgive her. I no longer have faith in Ghost's judgement.

I've switched my allegiance to Tommy. He's the new OG! Tommy will save Ghost, Tasha, and Tariq. I think he even saved LaKeisha. The table has turned.


how did he save her?


We don't know if anybody got 'saved' yet. That's the cliff hanger....we can only speculate, hope, and come back next season. My comments are MY hopes, and MY speculations. I'm looking forward to the next season, to see if anybody gets saved, and who will be the savior. I think its going to be Tommy who steps up.


I'm "guessing" he'll still want her next season, but Angela will not reciprocate.

I think the opposite is likely to happen! This will be the season Ghost will hit rock bottom in terms of his love and family relationships as well as his club business. Everything will take a tremendous hit! I see him being heartbroken over Angela and pushing her away! Interestingly enough I think that it will be Angie who will be love sick over him and her desire for him will be even stronger. She will inevitably find out Ghost was trying to protect her from Milan as well as Greg and that he is innocent of Greg's murder. This will hit her like a ton of bricks that Ghost truly loves her and has been trying to be legit but keeps running into unforeseen circumstances. She will then grovel to be back into his life and do whatever she can to help him ward off the consequences of his criminal past!


They will probably still mess around but not make it official. I betting Tommy will try to kill Angela and Ghost will either take the bullet or Ghost will kill Tommy if Tommy successfully kill Angela. After all Tommy was right since Season 1.


Thank Gawdddd!!! I couldn't take seeing her pasty behind anymore. Uck!



I got the impression he DOES still want her. Right before she arrested him he told her they can be together now.


Mark my word they're going to drag this Jam-gela thing out until the bitter end where one of them gets killed.

There's no happy ending in Jam-gela land because that's not how life works. You don't just get to walk away from a lifetime of criminal activities without any repercussions or sacrifices.

This is the central message underlying the theme of Power and the show's creators have emphasized and re-emphasized it through out and especially at the end of each season: life is about choices and every choice carries with it subsequent consequences

Think about it, in order to be with Angela Ghost had to be willing to sacrifice his family, and the immediate consequence of that choice is his kid hates him and is now acting out getting into troubles with the law.

In order to go legit Ghost had to abandon Tommy and the consequence of that decision is they are no longer "friends" since there's now no trust between them.

Every time Ghost thought he managed to maneuver his way out of a tight spot he gets himself into another one even tighter than the last. He will not be able to truly escape the life that he weaved for himself unless he's willing to sacrifice something truly valuable and painful to live without. It's the karmic law of the universe.

Everything in life has a price. Sometimes that price is losing something or someone that you think you cant live without.


James and Angella should have realistically ended a long time ago. It is either he should have killed her or she should have been killed by someone else...However I get the feeling that the show runner is somehow obsessed with this storyline that she will milk it for all it is worth. I got over it a long time ago. I am still trying to figure out how Ghost and Tommy got so far in the drug business...
