Excellent Movie

A excellent movie


Once I adjusted to the time-jumping narrative I actually preferred it to the 1933 version (slightly) and the 1994 version (by a large amount). Excellent performances, especially by Ronan, Pugh and Chalamet.


I hope it isn't Watson's last movie she makes.


Why would it be?


I just finished it. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.

It starts off slowly but builds into an increasingly better movie as it goes. It's obviously a very female-centric story--not just focused on females but also focused on the sorts of the things that appeal to females--so it may take a degree of patience for a man to sit through, but I found the journey worth it in the end.

On an artistic level, everything about it is top-notch: The performances, the direction, the score, the production design and so on.

I didn't expect much from it--in fact, I even thought I might actively dislike it--but I was pleasantly surprised by how drawn into it I was.
