Per her request I took my mother to see Little Women. I now feel motivated to get a white t-shirt and write on it in big red letters I SAW A CHICK FLICK - AND SURVIVED!!!


Forget the tee-shirt, forget Little Women, it's the whole 'I'm still going to movies with mom.' thing that's got me a little concerned.


Nothing to be concerned about. My mother is 90+ years old, I'm 65, and desire to make her last few years on planet Earth as pleasant as possible. If it means seeing a movie that bores me to the infinite power, so be it.


Your story checks-out my friend, party-on.


His story checks out why? Because you got caught being a complete FUCKER! You are an A-hole! You must not have parents to go to enjoy a movie with. F U scum bag.

I'm pissed and drunk right now and stand by this statement. Anyone making fun of someone that hangs and goes to movies with their parents needs to be shot in the head 1,000,000,000,000 times without hesitation. Yes that's a lot of shots to the head............... but come on, this guy is a FUCK beyond belief..... Does this dude not love his parents and want to enjoy a day with them? He says precisely he's going with his mom. God forbid going to see a movie with your mom to make her happy.

kielanders you out right FUCK en suck.

and another F U too.

You making fun of seeing a movie with their mom. F U fucker.

Understand this you young fucker, there is precious time spent with your mom before she is no longer on this planet and only in your heart wishing she was still here.

Everyone else, enjoy the snow today, make a snow man and drink some alcohol to keep you warm.


Boy, you are lit-up there buddy, what 'cha drinking? Kentucky Borbon is my favorite.

Incidentally, parents are dead, I'm not that young, and you sure sound like you wuv(ed) your mommy - good for you.


Nothing wrong with going to a movie with your mother. Sounds like a nice idea.
