MovieChat Forums > Little Women (2019) Discussion > Washington Post: "Dear men who are afrai...

Dear bitchy woke feminazis,

The men aren't "afraid" of your stupid film, they just don't wanta see you put them down to make yourselves feel better. They've got better things to do, like a job, laundry, and taking out the trash...besides you. Besides, this story was never written for guys. Get over yourselves and make a better movie.


Someone that's not gonna take your woke bullshit anymore


Well said, these feminist are so desperate with these tactics to try and guilt trip men.


Yawn. Another one of these article attacking male movie fans.

They've become a tradition every time a movie made by a woman or featuring women comes out.


Yes, it is all about guilt tripping men into watching (and paying for) these movies.


It looks so utterly boring, and is a remake of a movie that looked utterly boring, based on a book that sounds utterly boring.

I guess that makes me afraid of women in movies.


Sorry Sctwins612 but we can't allow you to simply find the movie boring, you are clearly only saying this in order to hide the fact that you are against movies lead by and centered around women.


The artcile writer quoted someone who was gay, and I am a straight male who respects it.


I was going to spend money to see it, then I remembered that 'It wasn't made for me.' - so I bought a case of beer instead.


You don’t understand. When they say the movie was not made for you is that you are not allowed to criticize it. But you still should financially support it, of course!


Well, I'm a woman and have no interest in seeing this... so why should men be badgered into it?
I read it as a girl and liked it ok then but see no need to revisit it...WOKE or not.
It just doesn't do anything for me now.
People should be allowed their taste and preference.


I'm a straight white guy who has enjoyed Alcott's book as well as the 1949 and 1994 movies. The characters in a novel or film don't have to be men shooting at each other to interest me. So, afraid? No, just bored seeing works of the past bastardized by the imposition of present-day ideological messages. It's especially ironic in this case because the original material was produced by a woman, to whom it brought a lot of critical acclaim and money.


I went and saw it today and enjoyed it.


It is a great film.


Treat men like lap dogs and watch them flock to see a film which openly despises them. How condescending and no, I wouldn't go to watch this even if it was free.

Instead I could be watching a film that embraces me, lifts my soul like Harold and Maude.
