Only 5 episodes?

I thought there was going to be at leas 10 or 12 episodes :(


Yup, and we might be waiting for quite a long time to see episode 5.....

A therapist? Some mother f_cker with a flute who makes a cobra come out of a basket?


Sucks... I watched episode 5 online.


Where at? I'm in the US....

A therapist? Some mother f_cker with a flute who makes a cobra come out of a basket?



I Downloaded it off Pirate Bay.

Didn't know that was the last one til this morning and I wish there were more!! PArt of me likes this a lot more than An Idiot Abroad because I think you get more of KARL and his general opinion. AIA had too many instances of him being freaked out and sometimes it felt staged. This one seems a lot more genuine and Karl gets to dwell on one subject for a while (marriage, death etc) without Ricky teasing him or setting him up.
