too many subplots

Nice road Movie to start with . Believable. A adopted Brothers Interest in the Manson case. As alot of people do in LA. But as soon as the film started to Bring in the ATWA story line
and the Blackbird ( Grey wolf) Sunshine (Star) story thats when it lost all Creditability.Then also the subplot of being one of the many children Born at Spahn or Bakers.And that the Brother was Charlies child. I take it that the mother would have been Mary Brunner. I lost all Interest. It seemed that the Director had tried to muscle in as many Bits of Manson story as possible ... The film should have just been a road Movie and the Broken Bond between the two Brothers.


You might feel that way because you expected a Manson movie and got something else. Would you have watched it if it wasn't for having a Manson angle? I think most people watch it because it is Manson related, not because it is known as a great movie.

Sure he crammed in all the Manson bits as he could. That is the part that brings in the viewers. Without it, the movie doesn't have much beyond a Sunday afternoon TV feel good movie.

Life is like Wikipedia: There are no Facts, Just Popular Opinion


What I expected
As the Manson Case is back in the headlines again due to the TV show Aquarius.
And the off and on relationship of Star and Manson.
I expected yet another cash in .
When the film started as a Road trip with the two Brothers talking about their lifes and that one has settled down and married etc . I wanted nothing else other than a already nice plot. I didnt need any thing else .
I wanted it as a Nice road Move in the same as the films..
Away We Go, Sightseers, Little miss sunshine,
All of those had a Left-field approach to a Road movie.
Yeah it has the brothers Interest in Manson. Who hasn't watched something on Youtube about Crazy Charlie..
I would have watched Manson Family Vacation If it had a Different title.
Yeah i have a Interest in the Manson Case. But its only because the TV and film Industry wont let the case be forgotten.
And Each time the TV has a Retrospective on the 60s. TV pulls out the case once more. TV and Mags have made Charlie into who he is now. Much more than the case has.So in the film having the Brothers Interest in the case wasn't Unbelievable. I liked that the Brothers Road trip to the sites. But thats how it should have been.


If this film didn't have the Manson angle, what would have encouraged you to watch it? Keep in mind many people who did watch it might not have. The numbers could have been low enough for the film to have completely missed the Netflix showing.

This isn't a great movie. I can't see having done well without the Manson angle. As I've said before, the Manson angle is why this fill gets watched.

Regardless why you or anyone has an interest in Manson, it is that interest that draws in the viewers.

Life is like Wikipedia: There are no Facts, Just Popular Opinion


The relationship of the adopted brother, to Manson, was probably the seed for the idea for the movie, in the first place. When it's over, you realize that was the destination all along. I'm not at all sure how you could remove it and still have a movie.


apart from the Plot line of the separation of Brothers and the road Trip
Everything else is pretty much a story Taken from real Life
A few years back Interviews was done with a Number of the children who lived with the Family. Most was taken into care and then adopted out.
Obviously the Environmental Group in the film Is ATWA. But under a Different name. As are the two main characters who are running it .
Knowing a large Portion of the case and hours and hours of watching stuff on Youtube.
Watching Manson Family Vacation just did seem to be a Collage of News and Youtube stories thrown together.
