
I really try to like Duplass Bros. projects but I'm always disappointed This movie is no exception. I watched 20 min. then turned it off. Just terrible.


So you just wanted to come here and tell everyone you only watched 20 minutes of this movie? That is hardly discussing the movie.

What didn't you like about it? The story line? The acting? The directing? Give us something you suffered through in that 20 minutes.

Maybe that turned around at 26 minutes and took off in a way you rarely get to experience in a movie. So maybe you might want to watch the whole movie, then come back and tell us some things you either liked, disliked, or some of both.

Then we'll have something to go on as to why you think what you do. And if someone wants to comment on your post the conversation will have already been started by you.

Life is like Wikipedia: There are no Facts, Just Popular Opinion


Same opinion after watching the whole thing.


I'm jealous! I finished it!


Yeah, too much navel gazing. And too much woe is me, my childhood was terrible, I didnt get enough love crap.

I suffered through it, though I had to fast forward through a lot of the dialouge.

And I was disgusted when some hippie chick was sharing with the irresponsible brother about Charlie Manson, telling him "everything is love man, Charlie always says that. Even that look, that pulling away look you just gave me, it's all love".
Manson was a brutal murderer himself and ordered many killings more than he was charged with.
So I was disgusted to see this movie treating him like some prophet of love.


The movie was dealing with Manson as counterculture icon as poularized by artists like Marilyn Manson and Garbage in the 90's. I have found the subject of Manson and that weird moment in American history fascinating to study. I was enough of an expert to know that the film fictionalizes many of its minutiae about the so-called Family in 1969. I thought the film only intermittently amusing.
