Greed killed Tower Records

This movie glosses over this. CDs killed the record stores because they charged so much more for them then a tape or record. CDs should have never been more then like $10 or so.

an Album of music should have never cost $20 like Tower Records tried to get. That is why people downloaded music and stopped buying CDs.

I suppose when you are Tom Hanks kid, money does not matter but for everyone else this is what happened. Price is especially important when your target demographic is young people who dont have much in the way of disposable income


Price was but one of a confluence of factors...the digital age and the obsolescence of physical media are also significant factors, just ask once flourishing Blockbuster and Hollywood video.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


If you had paid attention to the documentary you'd have seen that this isn't the case, if it were then the Japan store would have gone down just the same as the rest of them did.
What really did them in was that they built their expansion on debt and ended up going to places that really couldn't support that debt so when they hit some financial troubles they started having to sell off and dump everything that made them what they were and it was a downward spiral from there.
