One less liberal.

He was a big democratic activist. I was cheering for him until I found that out. Now I could care less.


Oh, a hypocritical conservative. What else is new?

I am a thread killer. That's what I do. I post in a thread and then it dies.


you could care less? so... you care a lot?


You're surprised? Since when does a Republican want anyone to have any kind of freedom to do anything?

"The ice is gonna break!" (Johnny--The Dead Zone)


..of course only when that someone is a crony capitalist that wants untethered, unregulated freedom to prey on a slow democratic system within the republic. and to dodge taxes, there's always that.


People that generalize entire groups or organizations into small are no better than the people you are complaining about. YOU don't help or make the world a better place, you just add to the constant fighting and negativity. Sad.


So you don't like democracy?


you guys can't tell an obvious troll when you see one?

Push the 'liberal' button and see how many people self-destruct over it. Oldest play in the book.


He was arrested during the Obama administration and the trailer shows a clip of Bush.


Yeah, amusing all the liberal types blaming the "outdated laws" created by white Christian male Republicans, when of course it was the progressive Obama administration that was the beginning and end of the charges. And they would vote for Obama a 3rd time: you can't fix retard.

But maybe Swartz realized how wrong he was, and hung himself to repent and to escape the retards and hypocrites. He might have left a suicide note explaining this grim revelation, but of course the evil hag who had latched on to him would have immediately destroyed it


It's more complicated than that.

Yeah he supported and worked with leftist Democrats who are not working for what's in America's best interest, but then he was extremely naive and his penchant for reforming access to these archives and such is the kind of thing that steers a young and naive person into that direction.

I seriously doubt if Aaron's core motivations were the same as the politicians he was dealing with, and had he lived, I think he would have wised up quickly as he grew older and acquired more experience in that realm.

He made a lot of really stupid mistakes as you would expect a brilliant but naive young person would do, unfortunately he got caught in the corrupt justice machine. His contribution in defeating SOPA however, is something that is good for all of us, and don't forget that SOPA was supported by the Democrats and Republicans, all of whom for the most part demonstrated just how woefully ignorant they were on the facts. They were simply acting on advice and instruction from people with axes to grind.

So yeah, as a conservative Libertarian, it bothered me that he was involved with politicians who although they were right on this particular issue, would gladly work to take away other freedoms we have, and many of them are doing so today.

On the other hand, I'm very interested in seeing radical reform to the justice system in this country, and the level of corruption and tyranny that exists in that system is far greater and more sinister than even this documentary shows us. As one woman in the film stated, the laws that are on the books basically enable the government to criminalize any one of us. Aaron brought this to light and that is a very good thing, it's a very important thing, and what happened to Aaron was indeed what I would consider malicious prosecution with an escape hatch that was really a trap to make him a felon and an example.

Even if Aaron turned out to be a complete looney leftist in later life, I'd still defend what he did on these issues, I'm interested in intellectual honesty and the kind of transparent reforms he proposed. He also exposed what is probably criminal activity on the part of the shadowy corporations making billions off this archived information that the public has already funded with their tax dollars.

I think Aaron was probably more of a classical liberal than a modern leftist liberal, but now we'll never know because he's gone. Overall I think we come out with a net loss without his kind of genius in the world.


So, you trolled this board and the one for the Roger Ebert doc? Get a fvckin life.


ah, nothing like reactionary politics, it does not matter that you agree with him, as long as hes from "The other party" you must hate it because thats what republicans do!

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
