Major plot whole!

Ok So I went into this movie film with my friend Sajna DUtte who payed me six cash buckies in the form of a guilded croner to go see this movie. When we got into the local biju theatere he I said I never paid for snacks in my life at a show and he said your gonnna be please to bbe paying for them now. So all i bought him is a small box of snow capps and one little skittles thing plus a pop corner and a six liter ounce mr pibb.

So we watched the movie and the part where he said no poilet is trained to land on water, but thats not true because you can just deploy the mayson riszzle system which is basically just to pull the tabs so that it turns a comemrcial airliner into a by plane by activating the giant rafts underneith the plane, and thats why your seat cushion may be used as a floting devide right>


No one can explain this 2 point plot whole???


Are you really this uneducated and stupid?

Or are you deliberately trying to see how many spelling errors you can cram into a single post?

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


Really? You have to *ask*?


In this day and age?
Yeah. I have to ask.

There really are people just that stupid.
And trollish.

The two, however... are not mutually exclusive. He could be c) all of the above.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


It was just a question. You didn;t have to please be mean! Maybe I didn;t get some parts of the movie, but why call me oot? I told my conger.


The problem isnt the question.

The problem is your complete inability to spell even the simplest of words.

Did you drop out of school?
In the 2nd grade?

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


I think they were quite spelled right. However it is a simple question and it was even in the form of a question. YOur just aint familiar with certain way people ask questions. ITs called having different feelings. Have you even seen this movie film? I paid 18 cash buckies for it! Refere to my intro


If you want an intelligent reply to your post, please get rid of the entire first paragraph. Do you seriously think anyone cares what snacks you had while watching the movie?

Next, provide some useful link to "mayson riszzle system". I have no idea what that is, and a Google search turned up nothing.

Third, the following are not words: croner, theatere, gonnna, bbe, poilet, thats, mayson, riszzle, comemrcial, by plane, underneith, floting, and devide.

If you want to be taken seriously, get serious in what and how you write.


Actually theatre is how it is speldt in Canada so maybe just know that first. I will look up what mayson rizzle system is very legitamit. My friend Soupy is studying plane machanics top fix them learning on everyday flight simulators but not in Canada. My snacks story was kind of relevant to the whole story how it turned out however. People are allowed to comment on snacks if it is relatable to how they watched the movie which leads to questions which lead to me watching it and my plot wholes. Its theatre here though in Canada. But I will review my first post, but I cant change it now

I will post what the mayson rizzle system is. Although the technology might not nessessaraly be applied to this specific type of aircraft, it still proves a plane can land on water with only floating devices though. My friend would kick my derriere if I said that



I will check my system. \There really is a prototypical system where you pull each tab at different emergency thing where those inflatable slide rafts tube things that pop out and maybe used as a floatation device in certain sully situations. THatsa how they lasted so long with floating planes. I think it is even PDA operable. They had to go to special challenge level 6, which is why the system works. Even though they had to ask sully so many questions.


Of course this is not an exact science and really only worked in beta testing with not to mention a sub par saftey compliecne rating commenciable only to the SPA and the FRA and the flight deck construction crue on the prominade saftey deck. Which is really only an accountable methode


The words appear to be English (many of them). Spelling is atrocious. Punctuation is absent. More importantly, meaning is absent. You'll have to do better than this. Please explain your point.


Yeah it is hard to alwayus post the right correct brave and true punctiattion them with the type of wireless device I am typing on cause its mostly a thumb touch on a blackberry but not a curve or a bold, so the screen is cracked I can't always get the right spelling. I don't think my meaning was absent though I did as I sais I always ask about a plot whole! Refere to my first paragraph if you don't get the plot whole though or I can explain the complicated landiny system again if you please


It would help if you would post a link to the landing system you are talking about.

And it's "plot hole" not "plot whole".




I can absolutley post a link to it. I have to ask my friend first though cause he might not like it. It's plot whole as well though


Still though!



A game link? Really?


Sorry that was the wrong one.


Ok can I post the right link now


....or that you think Chitty Chitty Bang Bang can actually fly

Great. Someone else who doesn't know how to use the Spoiler button. There's another movie I can't watch!!

Is very bad to steal Jobu's rum. Is very bad.


I agree
