The Legend Of Isis? (spoilers)

Breath Of The Wild's story bears a similarity to the Egyptian Osiris myth. In this tale, Osiris the righteous is slain by the evil Set. Parts of his body are scattered abroad. His phallus is said to be represented in obelisks. Which in this game might be the Sheikah Towers.

The goddess Isis restores Osiris and has his son, Horus. Osiris is limited to the afterlife so Horus must stop Set. Where it gets more complicated is that Horus is Osiris reincarnated. The father becomes the son, the son becomes the father. Nintendo clearly wasn't going to be as obvious as that so Link "sleeps a long time and loses his memories" but is "still Link." However, one of the elders in the villages simply sees Link as the descendant of the Champion.

For the game's narrative Zelda holds off Ganon. In the Egyptian that could be seen as symbolically true as Isis represents the hope of defeating Set. Without her goodness and light existing to create Horus and guide him, the world would forever be ruled by darkness.

One of the most interesting lines is about Dark Beast Ganon. Zelda says, "He has given up on reincarnation and assumed his pure, enraged form." He is so possessed by malice that he becomes evil incarnate. Not even the purification of reincarnation can help him.

Dark Beast Ganon is not unlike Set in his form as the Black Pig. Set injures Horus as the pig. Because of this the Egyptians saw pigs as an abomination that was unclean to eat. Defeating Ganon, like Set, allows the restoration of light and peace.


Have you played "tomb raider: the last revelation?" You just described its story exactly


I haven't but it's interesting how often the myth is borrowed from. Breath Of The Wild puts a really good spin on it.


... you left a fair bit out regarding BoTW ... I wouldn't really say it's much of a fit at all, not even loosely.


Yes, I can see where he's reaching, but he misses a lot of the story to draw this comparison.


There's absolutely no relation between the legend and the game.
