MovieChat Forums > Soaked in Bleach (2015) Discussion > Someone needs to interrogate Cali

Someone needs to interrogate Cali




Grant had plenty of chances to question him and didn't bother.


Did you not watch the film? He tried to and Courtney got him high first.


Yes, I watched the film. That was Dylan. Cali is a different person.

According to Grant's new manual Cali came to his office to be interviewed at Grant's request and he cooperated with everything Grant asked of him. He didn't grill him then.

And in June 1994 Courtney gave Grant an address where Cali could be reached. He went over to the address and thought it looked like a drug den so didn't bother trying. How desperate was he to interview him?

I might also add that the scene in Soaked in Bleach (where Courtney apparently made Dylan take heroin) was described quite differently in the book Love & Death. In the book Grant claims he made sure Courtney was out of earshot when he interviewed Dylan. In the film she's sitting with them looking all nervous.

Didn't Grant know where Dylan lived? Was he able to contact him independently from Courtney?


Oops, my mistake. Cali's the one Courtney gave $30k to for "rehab".


I think he did actually go to rehab. Rosemary talked about the charge being so big because his girlfriend went too. She sent Dylan and Lanegan to rehab too but I don't know when.


Grant had plenty of chances to question him and didn't bother.

Grant tried multiple times and each time he dodged him with Courtney's help.


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