MovieChat Forums > Soaked in Bleach (2015) Discussion > These 3 scenarios are the only explainat...

These 3 scenarios are the only explainations of what really happened.

In my mind, there are only 3 possible scenerios for what really happened. Suicide, assisted suicide, or murder. I will explain each.

Suicide: Kurt injected himself with a large dose of heroin so he wouldn't feel a thing when he pulled the trigger of the shotgun.

Assisted suicide: Kurt had someone there with him to make sure it happened and may have helped with the injection and/or shotgun.

Murder: Somone was there with Kurt and injected him with too much heroin without him knowing. Placed the shotgun in his hand and pulled the trigger for him.

I don't see any other scenarios other than these 3. What do you think?

I'm not going to point fingers that there was definitely foul play involved/murder. There are inconsistences and evidence to suggest possible foul play/murder. I could maybe look past some or most of it (the hand writing practice sheets are weird among other things) but then you have the investigation which was done very poorly and closed the same day. All of the important evidence (Kurt's body, the shotgun, and the green room itself) has been destroyed. Plus, there was motive as was mentioned in this movie. $$ With him deceased she gets the whole thing. Bottom line, if the investigation was done more thoroughly and properly (which for one of the biggest icons/legends in music history, it definitely deserved to be), this would not be as much of a discussion as it is today. R.I.P. Kurt Cobain.


Another scenario is that Kurt OD on heroin and then for some reason Courtney and Cali concocted this whole thing to make it look like he shot himself.

However, when you actually take it all into count the only logical explanation is murder.


That's my personal belief. Kurt either OD'd himself, or someone either intentionally or even unintentionally OD'd him. I believe that when Courtney found out she cooked up the suicide angle, and her and Kurts druggie suckup friends were mostly willing participants in muddling the investigations that followed.


The fact of the matter is that this cant just be looked upon as a simple, open and shut case of suicide, there are too many contradictions to come to such a bold conclusion. The heroin dosage for one CAN NOT be underestimated as it is literally the smoking gun. Look at how incoherent Dylan was after something that probably amounts to only a very small fraction of what they found in Cobains system. I cant imagine he had the coherence enough to grab the gun and set it against himself and pull the trigger, let alone just keep his eyes open long enough to accomplish such a thing.

My guess is once Love found out Kurt wanted a divorce, his days were numbered. I think it was she who dissolved the massive dose if rohypnol his champagne to kill him in Rome and when it didnt kill him she came up with a new plan, wait for him to return home, keep him high on heroin for a few days and then hit him with a heavy dose to immobilize him then stage a suicide to keep him from coming out of it again like in Rome. I think Cali did it and I think Love hired Grant to create an alibi.


Very interesting scenerios. I have to say I lean mostly towards foul play. I've been reading the postings on this board today and foul play seems to be the general concensus.


i have only three scenarios,
1 courtny killed him with the help of a man.
2 the masonists killed him.
3 courtney being involved in the masonists and they both killed him.


It is so obvious CL had someone murder him. She had everything to lose if he lived. Her actions and behavior ever since then reveal the demons she lives with. From the start all she ever wanted was fame and wealth. Those were her two goals kn life. She achieved them.
