
From a female's perspective, the men in this film are frustratingly sexist and are never going to find love because they simple do not even understand what it is. If you actually are intent on loving someone, it is not just because they fit your standards and fall into what you want. You need to actually appreciate every part of them. Looking for a woman who wants to put family first and is also willing to give you a lap dance on your first meeting is not only unrealistic thinking but also incredibly sexist because it puts such expectations on a woman to be devoted sex objects.

It's sad and embarrassing that there are people who out there who still think that a woman's only role in life is to serve and please her husband.


Frankly, most of these men weren't living in even the realm of reality. Almost all of them were middle-aged, not rich, and average looking (at best). Yet some how they truly think girls twenty years younger and extremely attractive are going to fall in love and be happy little homemakers. There was also the perception that Russian/Eastern European women are so traditional and passive--where they hell did they get that?! I've know people from Russia/E.Europe and they are opinionated and have strong personalities. Not all, but quite a few are like that.

I felt for a few of the men profiled, most of them didn't seem like terrible guys, but they should've saved there money and gotten some therapy to figure out what brought them to the point of trying to buy a deceptive fantasy instead of creating a decent reality for themselves.


Thank you! I wrote something similar in threads that were deleted. I do not understand how anyone could feel bad for these men. They deserve to be taken for all their money. They all really think they deserve some hot young model and don't even bother to learn the language. It's a status symbol. The market is big in eastern Europe because they have white women who want to leave for better opportunities. You don't really see this industry in other parts of the world.



Well said.


You're the one who sounds delusional, the whole point of male-female relationships is sex for babies. If a man wants a deep connection he would get a dog.

And none of these women was young and hot! They were on that site because they were losers, in the bottom 10% in their country, I agree the guys were idiots for accepting such poor-quality goods


Serious or troll?


Spot on! Completely agree!

My new years resolution was to get rid of my Mrs. So i did just that on 31st December 2015. I got myself a dog instead and I'm so much happier now :D


You know, for as many times as these men profess to want a traditional woman and conservative marriage, they do not take the institution of marriage very seriously at all. How can you meet someone a few times and be like "welp, guess I'm going to ask her to marry me. Brought a ring just in case." It's like they're checking off a (very) few boxes and will take literally anyone who will fit their qualifications. All they want is a thin, conventionally attractive body, long hair, a pretty face, and no or few kids. Maybe a willingness to learn English (because they are too *beep* lazy to bother). Seriously, that is it. Then they're shocked when it isn't all friggin' butterflies and unicorns.

I personally could never fall for someone that didn't speak my langugae, physical attraction aside. However, I think of Love Actually (yeah, yeah. I'm a chick), and how Colin Firth and the Portuguese woman he fell in love (Aurelia) BOTH learned each other's langugaes in secret, and were happy to make it work together (and had spent more substantial time together without the pressure of paying $10k for a matchmaker). Yes, that was a movie, but if you really, REALLY want to be with someone (I mean, one person in particular, and not any random woman who will have you), and one of you will need to leave their home country - wouldn't you at least make an effort to know them and make it work?

And lastly, if this marriage is being handled like a business arrangement, which, let's face it, it basically is, if I were a woman who was not going to be able to work in a new country, would conceivably not be able to see my family for a very long time, would not have control of my finances, would have to learn a language, clean a house, perform in bed, etc etc, I WOULD ABSOLUTELY WANT TO BE ASSURED THAT THE MAN WOULD PROVIDE VERY WELL FOR ME FINANCIALLY. These women don't have any other resources in the states! Would anyone want to be married solely for their looks, to someone they barely know, for "love?" I mean, love can grow, but initially? The deal is, the woman is the "wife," and the man is the "provider." Ugh, I feel sexist just typing that. Think of what some of these women could accomplish if they had better opportunities in the Ukraine.

Oh, and lastly - I have no sympathy for an adult, gainfully employed, middle-aged man who falls for some kind of scam. Sorry not sorry.
They're coming to get you, Barbara!

