I hate abrupt endings!!


Why? She killed him, so the main issue had already been addressed. What else was supposed to happen?

Respect what you have 🌌


If she goes to jail


What OP said. I guess the ending was deliberately ambiguous, but in all likelihood she probably went to jail. The first shot was nonfatal and justifiable, since he assaulting a woman and she warned him. But in a court of law it would be determined that she didn't have to kill him. He was unarmed and on his knees, after all.


in a court of law, judge or laywer would tell jessica never practiced a gun in her whole life, so she shot him with no experience and kill him under legitime violence protection. so she is free.

she won't go to jail, specially because her half-mother is a rich person.

Moreover there would be 2 witness against none. (i think no neighbour would jump in the case, they stay behind their windows and watch and go back to tv !)

life is not justice
justice is not life


No such thing as a half-mother... just saying.

Never argue with a Cultural Marxist. They never make sense and they never give up their racism.
