I Just Saw This

It's low budget, however, the budget of a movie doesn't tell me if a movie is going to be good or bad. Each of The Transformers has over 100 million bucks thrown into it, and those all suck. I haven't seen the fourth one yet. Since Mark Walberg replaced Shia Labouf, I have to say things are looking good for that fourth installment. Raven's Cabin, and Crawl or Die are very low budget, but those film makers squeezed out very impressive films.

Ashley (Janelle Odair) and Justine (Michelle Campbell) are HOOOOOTTTTTTT, and they both get naked...just saying. lol. The movie is very original, and it's done in a comedy-type way, until about 20 mins before it ends, then it takes a fairly serious tone. Justine was really funny. Ashley was sexy as hell. Nick (Anthony Bravo-Carl Urban look alike) was convincing as the skulking psycho-turned-horror-film-star. Miles (Zak Hudson) was very good in his role as a director willing to screw over the killer to make it big. Hudson reminded me a lot of Justin Long.

About 20 minutes before the movie ends, a huge twist happens that I didn't see coming. As I said, this was an original movie, and unlike some other low budgets, this wasn't done in a half-assed way. All the actors did their characters justice. I was really impressed. When I turned this on, I was expecting the typical crap that most indies tend to produce. Again, I was impressed, and I recommend people watch this.

I enjoy originality, and that's what this movie was. You have to watch to the very end of the credits, because something really funny happens that was discussed in the movie.


What was the big twist? I thought that the whole thing up until the end will be movie within a movie within a movie, but it wasn't.
