Does anyone know where...

...I can find this movie?

Thus far I've had no luck in being able to locate this movie. It was released more than 6 months ago and I've to find where its available.

Ive read in more than one place that the creators of this film were ridiculously uptight about allowing anyone previews, or pre-release screenings, but damn, this is outrageous that over 6 months later its still not availavle(atleast not easily by any means)

If anyone knows any info about where/when/how I might be able to finally view this film, please post the info!

TiA to anyone who can help!



now available on torrents ;)




Frighteningly enough, it's made it to Amazon Prime where I am incredulously watching this awful mess. Point your mouse in the other direction.


It should be readily available to you now. I bought it at Wal-mart (in Canada) but honestly it's a rather dull and extremely generic slasher movie and it's not really worth seeking out

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