Alcohol Consumption

Was this film brought to us by the Alcohol Producers of America?

Virtually every scene not featuring a rat involved the consumption of vast quantities of alcohol. Danner's character was most definitely an alcoholic, but everyone else drank virtually non-stop, too.


Yes, but the only time we actually see her get tipsy is the first time she shares wine with the pool guy. Plus her nosy girlfriends don't drink much, and one has no doubt they would bring it to her attention if they thought she really had a "problem." I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, but thinking maybe we're seeing her at a moment when her daily moderate alcohol consumption is on a momentary upswing due to dead dog, rat fear, etc. (I actually got drunk the night the only rodent ever seen in my apartment got caught in a glue trap--I wasn't prepared for it SCREAMING, and needed a few belts before I could deal with disposing of the poor thing. I will never do that again; I didn't know then about the kinds of plug-ins that make high pitched noises only rodents can hear, repelling them from the area without need for trapping or killing.)


I thought it was extreme, too. Danner would be considered at least a problem drinker. Yet they didn't show her inebriated much, and that's very misleading.

After suffering through a couple seasons of Cougar Town, I have used up my tolerance for such over-indulgence.



Normal people drink. It is only in the past 20 years that everyone acts like it's abnormal. Damn kids.


I agree, she didn't seem like an alcoholic, and some people just have a couple of glasses of wine each day. No big deal. It's actually good for you if its preservative, and sugar free.

  Attn All Units!  


Not at all sugar-free. Alcohol is sugar.


This was like saying you buy corn free corn.


I agree. The over-consumption of alcohol really detracts a lot from this otherwise fantastic movie. Let me clarify (and I think this was your concern as well): it's not the over-consumption of alcohol per se, but the over-consumption with no consequences that is the problem here. See (actually hear) this:


Vast quantities of alcohol?
Get a dictionary and look at the definition
Then watch the movie again and count the number of drinks carol consumes in one sitting
Alcoholic? Laughable


AA propaganda and MADD ravings aside, having a couple of glasses of wine, even every day, does not indicate that someone is an alcoholic.


I'm reeeeaaaalllllyyy drunk, the filmm wes orsum!!;; evree time she had a drink, so didI. What a gr8 film. I look u all, I really, really love u!!!!


I found the drinking rather relentless, and this became a bone of contention among myself and fellow viewers, some of whom thought it normal and some neutral on the matter. I found it a telling litmus test.


i thought it was a bit much too but i decided to not let it bother me because i was enjoying the movie so much.


Yes, it was a bit much, but it didn't take away anything from this wonderful movie.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


vast quantities? non – stop?



I seemed like a bit much to me, but I only have two or three drinks a year so I'm not a good judge of these things. The movie only showed her at certain times of the day and frequently out with friends on social occasions, so the fact that she seemed to be drinking in most scenes didn't necessarily indicate that she had any more than the drink she was having.

I know a number of people who have at least one drink daily and who always offer one when people drop over. For some this is just a normal part of socializing. My parents' generation was much like that. But the script writers may have been wanting to indicate that she depended on it somewhat emotionally. It never was so much as to spoil this very nice film for me.
