MovieChat Forums > Risen (2016) Discussion > does this film offend Jews?

does this film offend Jews?

I couldn't understand. does this film offend jewish people in any means?


What didn't you understand?

As far as I know, there was no Jewish protest over Risen. That was reserved for Gibson's The Passion of the Christ.


* bump *

... so - has anyone heard of a Jewish protest over this film? I didn't see anything very political or even slightly anti-semitic in it. I still think that the OP is thinking about Gibson's film, not this one...


I also don't nt see how Gibson's film was antisimetic in any way.


Well the Pharasees have been corrupted and YAH punished his people by Roman occupation for not following his law. Sending his only sacrificial son to open their eyes only to later defeat the Roman pagan religion and coverting most to Christianity says a lot.


Thanks for your comments. But even if Jews believed that Roman occupation was a punishment (they don't so believe), I still don't see how this film would offend them. It doesn't promote the Roman occupation as being a good thing...


They are all Jews, Jesus, the apostles, Magdalena and Mary, Joseph, etc.
