Reminds me of B5

The pace and span of the show and the various types of human lives is a strong comparison. Could almost be a prequel to the series of events that occur in the B5 universe. The "Anti-Star Trek world is amazing. The virus at the end is Shadow Tech!


B5 was my favourite sci-fi show of all time.

Like The Expanse, it felt a lot closer to home than Star Trek, if you catch my meaning.

Would actually love to see it remade with a good budget.



Have to agree, IMO Babylong 5 was the finest SciFi series evar done. Am encouraged that people are comparing this show to it.


I'm a die-hard B5 fan too, and I see the similarities in the Expanse (having read all the novels as well). The story is much different, of course, but the similarities are there in concept. The detail in the show, the slow-building of the plot, the over-arching Sci-Fi element that gets bigger as you go. While you can't compare the two series, The Expanse is similar in scale to what B5 was when it came out, and told in a similar manner.


That's quite a compliment as B5 was an amazing show. It mixed adventure with action, politics, war, exploration. Expanse operates on the same level.
