do not kill Todd

That would devastate me, he's my favorite and such a sweetheart. I worry his heart attack was foreshadowing for him. It feels like they want to get it down to just one man again before the show ends. Note they've yet to kill a woman. Tandy's Harem, yikes.


If he doesn't get some new shorts soon I'm not sure I care what happens to him. Damn, dude! The 70's called and they want their hideous shorts back!



Yeah, they have a very well balanced cast right now and I would hate to see anyone go, except maybe the kid, he's barely in the show anyway.


But remember, he is the only male of the next generation. He may turn out to be mankind's best hope for survival.



I don't know, I like the Todd character too, but in the last episode having to see him getting his back shaved made me want to kill him off, and maybe the director and writer too.
