MovieChat Forums > The Last Man on Earth (2015) Discussion > "Repopulating the earth" trope

"Repopulating the earth" trope

I'm only on the first episode, but why does this show regurgitate the old concept of the last two people on earth repopulating the earth? That doesn't even make sense to a first grader.
They have one kid, maybe two, and then what? Do the kids then have sex with each other and produce more children? Why is this even a trope?

All you would do is produce one more generation...


how do you think adam and eve did it?


They didnt.


Who did then?


Open a book that isn't the bible. Then...just read for a while. It'll come to you.


I tried, but I still can't figure out how something evolved from nothing.


I only read novelizations of Lizzie McGuire episodes.


Still more truth in it than the bible...hehe


Sure? It would be a good scientific explanation for why mankind got this way...


You have to watch more episodes. Although the show is focused on only a handful of people surviving it seems quite possible, indeed even likely, that other pockets of people have survived. So it is not that these are the ONLY survivors.

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are" Nin


> it seems quite possible, indeed even likely, that other pockets of people have survived.

I have mixed thoughts on that. Tandy and then Carol and, apparently, most of the rest of our group did a pretty thorough, years long, search of the USA looking for signs of life. Tandy even scrawled "Alive in Tucson" across many billboards on major highways. Surely there would be some signs of another group of survivors (or that group would try to contact the one in Tucson).

Pat had been sailing around the country, apparently looking for survivors. He had found only two and then he stumbled onto our little group.

I do think that, if there really are other groups of more than, let's say, five, they are hiding themselves really well.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


The north and south american continent is vast. I'm sure there's people living in small communities in the woods or mountains that never go on major highways. Could be people alive in parts of Canada, Central and South America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Tandy - being Tandy - would have probably taken a few main highways - he didn't drive every road in the States. And even if other people did see his sign if they've got it good where they are, they might not want to take the risk of moving, or they might think it was a trap, or further risk of being exposed to the virus. The fact that this lot followed Tandy's signs, stumbled across each other and stayed together probably says more about their recklessness, lack of survival skills and need for the comfort and perceived safety of being with other human beings than it does about any other survivors who might be perfectly capable of surviving on their own and happy with their own company. That number might be in the thousands, scattered across the world.

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!


> I'm sure there's people living in small communities in the woods or mountains that never go on major highways.

Maybe there's a few. But, I'd think that, in the aftermath of such a disaster, groups and individuals would actively look for other survivors, partly for the companionship, but also for security. And, in the long run, for diversity in propagating the human race.

What to do if you decide to actively look for other groups? Well, like Tandy (and Carol and Gail/Erika), you drive around on major highways, visit big cities, leave big messages, and look for any clue.

> And even if other people did see his sign if they've got it good where they are, they might not want to take the risk of moving, or they might think it was a trap, or further risk of being exposed to the virus.

That would be true for some, but I think the need to be with other people and to rebuild society would outweigh the fear. Most post-apocalypse movies also come to the conclusion that people would rather band together than isolate themselves in small pockets.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


It's just what a guy will do to get a pretty girl to sleep with him.


That and the fireworks display.


I'm only on the first episode, but why does this show regurgitate the old concept of the last two people on earth repopulating the earth?

You must remember that the average mental age of the viewing audience is only six years old.


hey, don't be so tough on yourself, im sure you're a bit smarter...


We're all inbreds; why do you think there are so many of one specific ethnicity? Also, the morality of incest goes out the window in the end of days, as does law & order.

It's necessary because they will need help to survive and to literally keep the human race alive.


The problem is, that small of group won't be enough to keep the race alive.


Well, we know there are survivors the world over, so there's probably an ample amount of males & females to populate a small village. And think, some will have twins (two for one deal!). Also, who knows, maybe after some time they could restart growing children outside the womb.


No, we DON'T know there are survivors the world over. Tandy traveled the US, parts of Mexico & Canada for 2 years and never found anyone. So far he's encountered 11 people in 3 years and at least two of them have died. Out of close to 400 million people, he found 11.

In addition, Gail has said that she's unable to have children. So, that's down to three women and two men prior to the last episode.

So they have to somehow get all of those supposed people together and start selectively breeding.


The world over: the entire planet, not just the US. Fine, Tandy travelled all over North America, but that's a very small part of the world, and 1/3 of a continent.

Also, Tandy travelled around for so long but has never discovered anyone, yet out of nowhere our little group all found him. So maybe people are out there but just prefer being alone.


And if that is the case, why would they want to repopulate the earth?


As the last of their kind it should be their responsibility to keep the human race alive. But if not for that purpose, more hands (more humans) would help their survival chances and likely keep them sane for the rest of their natural life.


As the last of their kind it should be their responsibility to keep the human race alive.

Why? I'm not one of the people who think the world would be better off without people, but I also don't think that we're all that special.

Look, if the meteor comes crashing to the earth, I want it to hit my house. I don't want to be one of the ones clinging to life for the next 30 years.

But if not for that purpose, more hands (more humans) would help their survival chances

That assumes everyone is working together selflessly. It doesn't take much for one turd to think he or she should be in charge and set out to take over.

likely keep them sane for the rest of their natural life.

Define sane. Besides, some people are fine being all alone, and some people, even surrounded by friends and family, still go insane.


I don't disagree with what you're saying, its just different perspectives. I also personally wouldn't mind living in the end of days with no responsibility.


fusion... You would be responsible to keep yourself from dying a slow pain by hunger, starvation or the like... But... yeah, they gonna have a hard time unless there are other pockets of survivors and they manage to find each other... But even a village wouldn't be enough, unless someone specialized in population genetics spends all his or her time figuring how to overcome a population bottleneck for humanity and they apply his or her plan.


Knowing what I know about genetics, you would never be able to successfully repopulate the earth with just one man and one woman. There wouldn't be enough genetic diversity, and the inbreeding wouldn't lead to viable children for very many generations.


On Star Trek they said you need 30 couples to have a wide enough gene pool. And if it was on Star Trek doesn't that mean it's law?


I'm not much of a religious person but after 2-3 years of not seeing another person, even I would think there was some higher power that put us together. I think we all would. You would feel a great sense of purpose which would be "to save the human species" any way you could, even if that meant inbreeding. It's poking fun of Adam and Eve a bit. haha

Plus you'd be so horny that you would do anything for sex. These are two people though that never think far ahead, well most characters on here don't. Plus Carol is really into having a kid regardless. They were both "losers" that couldn't find anyone before so they'll eventually do whatever the other one wants in order to keep them. Realistically though childbirth could kill you and I think I'd like to know for certain that the entire world is empty before taking that on. It would be neat to see them to explore more. Maybe hit the ocean or run meet up with a pilot...

I read somewhere that 50 people could repopulate the Earth but these couldn't be just 50 Americans, they'd have to come from all over. They'd have to really keep track of who they would "mate" with also for future generations. The human population supposedly dropped down to 600 long ago. What's amazing is the cheetah who dropped down to maybe 7 individuals survived extinction. All cheetahs are practically clones because of this, yet they're the fastest animal on land, it's amazing.


You're not really understanding what a trope is.

A good review of "Inside Out":


Then explain what a trope is, bub...


You think repopulation is a literary device but it's a fundamental aspect of the human race. You're not describing a trope/cliche/motif, you're just observing what's happening in the show, getting mad about it, and mislabeling it as a trope.

What is with white people just observing what's happening on screen and getting butt hurt over it? Why is that such a common trait among white people?

A good review of "Inside Out":
