Dorothy :-(

I hope she comes back, because I love Collette Wolfe.

If not ,hope she is in a new show which I can watch.

Hope answered....Check out 'Good Behavior." At least one episode,


She was being very selfish and jealous of Edgar but she was one of the few nice people on the show. Her teeth or mouth keep her from being hot but she's still attractive.


They handled writing her out horribly! Her attitude did a complete 180 in the last two episodes, then she just gives up and leaves. It makes no sense at all! People want Edgar with Lindsay! Why? He's the nicest guy in the world why would they want him with that horrible b!tch?


Putting super nice Edgar with that wretched beast would be painful to watch. The writers seem to love the insufferable c word though so she will probably start taking advantage of him now.


Oh God, please no. I want no part of Edgar and Lindsay. Though the ending gave me hope that it won't happen again.


THANK you. Had hoped other people somewhere out there noticed this. I absolutely love this show, and hate to see the writers create such a blatant contrivance, which I can only guess might have something to do with very inorganically trying to put Edgar with her, despite it making no sense.

I was really bothered by Dorothy being almost nonexistent when watching early episodes of this season. It's like the writers thought it'd make sense if every social event Edgar attended for the first 8+ episodes didn't feature her and she was never mentioned in said scenes, nobody would notice--it's like that somehow didn't stick out to them as utterly nonsensical given how close they clearly had grown, as they did briefly show in her appearance in his centric episode this season.

My fears were confirmed when they out of nowhere decided "OK, 2 or 3 episodes left. Time to establish out of nowhere that she's far more weak-minded and prone to giving up than we ever established so far in the show!"

She's always been a character that had an imagination(the Spielberg costume) and was spirited in her encouragement of Edgar, especially in the face of how insensitive the co-leads routinely are with him. She stood by him despite him being a deeply traumatized war vet with a dark past who flipped out in ways that would make a lot of significant others freak out and leave without trying.

Then, they contrive more nonsense about them getting into a fight over some mildly shallow assumption she might have made about him that's roughly the equivalent of thinking everyone with German blood is a beer expert--it was THAT assumptive at worst, and hardly convincing as something that would sever that bond, or even contribute significantly to it.

So after all this, and showing her passion/talent for acting and improv, and being the very type of person who surely can hold onto some hope in L.A. even if things don't work out by some point in their 30s...we're supposed to believe she'd completely give up on him, and not only leave pretty much THE city for acting to return to Jacksonville, FL after a few minor bumps that only happened within a few days?

Why would she continue to freak out this much? Why wouldn't she if anything continue being supportive of him and even maybe take advantage of knowing him as a way to make some connections in the field RIGHT AFTER he'd succeeded? Why didn't she see this as an opportunity to increase her odds of succeeding after knowing nobody that might be able to help until he came along and made progress in this very field she's passionate about? Why of all places would she go to a relatively minor city in FL instead of seeing this as a chance to work together with Edgar and perhaps follow her dream rather than doing things she hates for the rest of her life?

Sadly, the likely answer is that the writers for some inexplicable reason wanted the plot to move in this direction no matter how little sense it made for the characters, and we lost a great cast member and unique character in the process.

Wolfe deserves better than to be written out this way, especially when doing so was so obviously about mechanically shifting the plot in some ill-advised direction rather than organically using the character they'd already established and having her behave in a way that made sense based on essentially everything she'd done up to then.

I doubt she'll show up again, but I certainly hope Wolfe gets a great gig elsewhere. Her current resume is depressingly small given how much she can contribute.

Sorry for the long post--I tried to keep it as short as possible, but nothing infuriates me more than seeing my favorite shows resort to imbecilic contrivances like this when paying attention to how their characters are actually like would serve them and their actors so much better on so many levels.


Her teeth or mouth keep her from being hot but she's still attractive.

Ironic to see this kind of comment leveled against Colette Wolfe when it was commentary of this exact type which drove Dorothy to give up her career.


Yeah, she was actually a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of the broken people on the show.


She was always annoying to me, but I really didn't care for her when her racism came out of nowhere.


I got the feeling she couldn't stay on the show because her character did a total 180 at the last moment and left. Either that or a pretty lazy way to write her off.
