Hateful characters

I could not stand any of the characters. They were all soooooooooo irritating. I found myself wanting them all to get trampled during a riot, starve to death, or meet their end via some sort of pandemonium-type death.

Also made me appreciate being able to own a gun to defend myself instead of a baton or wine bottle.


The tagged criminal turned out to be a decent person in the end. And the mother was only protecting her daughter. Her disinclination to trust him wasn't unreasonable.


I agree with last post. I felt it showed a good and realistic range of ordinary people responding to extraordinary circumstances. Thank goodness there were any guns!!!


There is a whole group of people who will be going door to door stealing your preps after the lights are out. They will hit you first. Good luck without a weapon.


My thoughts exactly. Good luck fighting them off with a lamp.


I live in the US and that's what I was thinking, I didn't hear any guns! And to have people breaking into your house when you have kids, that's just terrifying. People here think with guns they could always protect their loved ones and property but the truth is when you're trying to get your kids to sleep in a crisis (I've weathered a lot of hurricanes), keep them fed, safe water, heck just keeping a child occupied when they're in fear takes all your attention and you'd have no time to think about where to shoot, who to shoot, who really truly means you harm and who is just annoying and rude. and in the dark?? we'd be slaughtering each other.

I absolutely love horror movies but this is the first movie in my life where I actually felt scared. real fear, adrenaline, shaking, all that. weathering a hurricane, everyone on the beach is prepped, the hotels and hospitals are prepped, we'd all run out around the same time. we all end up in the same situation. or it's discrimination like Katrina, in a huge coastal city, the "haves and have nots" being treated differently causes the riots pretty fast.

in a big city, I've been there too during a major 3-day summer power outage, affected 7 states and I passed round all my candles and matches while others handed out batteries, then I volunteered passing out water with the Red Cross. but when it went on too long, I hid in a closet while those same people were beating my doors assuming I was hiding more! I would not want to be anywhere near other human beings in a situation like this movie. ugh. going back to my horror movies!!

7even days


there was so much real actual footage mixed in with this movie, though, the rioters and the cops were truly dangerous. I said this already. but it bears repeating, when guns and extreme emotions and kids mix, you don't have the time or frame of mind to defend anything, you honestly can't tell the difference between a loud, rude, annoying scared person and an actually violent killer. there's just no way, so your trigger finger is going to go off before your brain can sort it all out. we see it in the news here in the US every day, google "accidental shootings" they are surprisingly frequent even when things are calm.

7even days
