MovieChat Forums > A to Z (2014) Discussion > Sorry But Does Anyone Else Already HATE ...

Sorry But Does Anyone Else Already HATE this show?

I don't know about you but every time I see one of the ubiquitous, smirky, irritating commercial spots for this show I want to hurl. It looks yet another s*itcom that consists of 22 minutes of meticulously crafted episodic advertisements for trendy clothes, overemphasis on the use of social media and meaningless banter that's oozing with patently UNFUNNY SASS as the two smug, shiny and malnourished leads spar tediously about inanities.
I know, I know, what can anyone expect from a Network Sitcom but there's got to be some life left in the format. WHY do they keep subjecting us to this garbage? If i see one more smart ass 20 something (played by 30 somethings) roll their eyes and shrug their shoulders in a situation comedy about their KOOKIE lifestyle I think my head is going to explode. Just wonder if anyone else feels this way?


Yes, if it wasn't a comedy. Is it?


I am getting tired of these shows that are narrated. That and the 'talking to the camera' shows.


Narration only works for fairy tale stories. Talking to the camera only works if one character is doing it, Malcolm in the Middle style, or if it's a full blown documentary show like The Office.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


House of cards does it well :D

Wish they would make shows like M*A*S*H..


Yes, it's a comedy. I've been pleasantly surprised so far.


I feel like there are four different shows this season (this, Selfie, Manhattan Love Story, and Marry Me) that are basically Mindy Project clones -- the romance, the clothing, the pop culture references. I'll reserve judgment on Marry Me because I haven't seen it yet, and I like Casey Wilson. But I think Mindy, the fact that she isn't a skinny perfect girl (not to mention the fact that she writes her show and just has a really edgy, borderline-offensive sense of humor that doesn't mind skewing religion, politics, race, class differences, not to mention letting her character get messy and ugly sometimes), is the only thing that makes her show work. I'm picturing all these network execs, going, "What if we could get the rich, educated demographic that likes Mindy's show, but put a WHITE GIRL in it so it would be more popular?" But, so far, they come across as very sanitized generic versions, sort of like all the different Friends clones over the years. Maybe one will work (HIMYM was a Friends clone that worked) but there are a lot of fails.

Of the three clone shows I've seen, Manhattan Love Story is the best because Annaleigh (sp?) Tipton does have a bit of that manic craziness, exhibited in Crazy Stupid Love and this role, that I think is necessary to make comedy work. I'll give the other two one more watch, this one mostly because there's nothing on Thursday nights anyway, but I don't have high hopes.


I already watch Scandal and Reign 9-10 Thursday nights. I would also watch Gracepoint if I could get 3 shows on my TiVo. I'm also watching the baseball playoffs. Not to mention Thursday night football. . .

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


I just meant nothing else for ME:) I didn't start with Scandal on time, and now, I don't want to marathon it. So I think of this as something to watch until the two shows I watch on Thursday at 10, Parenthood and How to Get Away With Murder, start. That said, it probably won't last. Maybe I should marathon Scandal after all. It's all been downhill since 30 Rock went off:(



what sitcoms (present or past) do you like?


I'm probably near or somewhere in the vicinity of the OP's demographic. I watched this season opener for Ben Feldman, out of nostalgia for Ginsberg. All I can say is that Ben Feldman is one fantastic actor, because in twenty-two minutes, I forgot Ginsberg ever existed. I wouldn't say I "hate" this show. I just won't be watching again.


The show seemed cute at first and I wanted to watch for Ben Feldman also but because he used to be in Drop Dead Diva but I think the more they showed previews, I lost interest.


He basically plays the same role.
Instead of Fred being head over heels for Stacy, he's Andrew head over heels for Zelda. Except instead of Jane/Deb giving him (not the best) advice, he gets (bad) advice from his best friend..


It's true. He does always seem to play the same type of character. I love him as well, just not leading man material.

Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy, both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.


since the first 2 seconds of the commercial I saw for it.


YES. I hate the narration (maybe I would hate it less if it weren't Katey Sagal's voice---it's just too recognizable) and I don't want reminding how long they date every episode. Too much. I'm tired of new shows always featuring trendy, perfect people with perfect jobs, offices, wardrobes, and homes, who never seem to actually work much or have actual problems, and then whine about stupid little problems. "Oh, you have a date you set up before we met? I am going to be snotty back." "Oh you were arrested for something totally benign and not bad at all? I'm not going to listen to your explanation." I HATE Zelda. I don't know if it is the actress or the character or both. She's pretty demanding and I know she's supposed to be straitlaced in response to her upbringing but something about the way she does it is completely off-putting and overdone. And I hate her eyeliner. Does she ever look less than perfect? I have yet to find her very relatable. I like her best friend way better!!


the fact that this show has a 7.3 is completely, entirely unbelievable to me. it's not even funny! the main characters have zero chemistry and none of the episodes have anything to do with the other. i can't see them getting closer over time or having particularly meaningful conversations. the plot lines are meh. there is no character, very little style. the only saving grace is tension between the main characters' best friends. when they finally admit they're attracted to each other, that's when i will turn this god awful show back on. but unlike someone else on this board, i actually really like katey sagal's narration.



You seem to hate haters. I know, so ironic.

By the way, what do you have against someone posting a negative review in a forum meant for people to post their reviews and thoughts of any kind about the movies and TV shows they have seen or that have been advertised?

The OP gave an articulate and detailed statement as to why he/she thinks this show will be bad. Why does that bother you? Even if you like this show, why does someone's valid opinions upset you so much?

Don't be so butt hurt. Just because someone does not like this show does not mean you need to take it so personally. Did you create or do you work on this show? Is that why you are so butt hurt that someone is so put off by even the idea of this stupid show that is, thankfully, cancelled?

If an idiot were to tell you the same story every day for a year, you would end by believing it. HM


Because they HATE to be quiet.
