MovieChat Forums > The Brink (2015) Discussion > The one thing that hurts this show

The one thing that hurts this show

Every episode is only 30 minutes long.

The one thing that really stand out about 'The Brink' is the pace of each episode. Everything seems really rushed like they're trying to cram a lot of stuff into that 30 minute slot. I feel the first two episodes could've easily been put together to make one 60 minute episode.

Sometimes a fast-paced storyline can be a good thing but if you're not giving the audience an adequate amount of time to grasp what's happening on screen, the plot essentially seems like it's on fast-forward, constantly jumping from scene to scene.

Another little thing that personally damages my opinion of this show is that it seems like it was written by a bunch of college frat boys instead of middle-aged white guys. 

The show isn't bad though, I really hope that they at least get a full season in.


Funny, I think the one thing that hurts this show is Jack Black.


Funny, I think the one thing that hurts this show is Jack Black.

Ha! Well my main reason for watching this show is Pablo Schreiber so I'm really not paying too much attention to the other male leads (although I guess I should). I'm a huge fan of Pablo Schreiber and it bugs me how every time he stars in a TV show, either the show gets axed after one season, or it gets axed before they get a full season out. Since he left 'Orange Is The New Black' to star in this show and I was hoping it would show off his versatile acting skills.

As for Jack Black, I know he has a reputation for not being a very diverse actor and he basically plays the same type of character in everything he does. He's not necessarily unfunny, but like I mentioned before, I think the writing has a lot to do with it. Based off of the first two episodes I feel like most of the jokes are too quick and too dumbed down. The flow of the storylines honestly remind me of a cartoon; one minute we're in Washington D.C., and in the next scene we're in Pakistan, and in the next scene we're in a Navy ship or in a fighter plane, and a lot of the dialogue is just back and forth one liners.

I don't know, I'm trying to wait until more episodes are released. I still hope they give it at least one season.
I've checked out reviews for the show so far and everyone appears to be on one end of the spectrum or the other: either they totally hate it or they totally love it and can't wait for more, no middle ground.


I don't know if he's left OitNB he could return at any point.
Twitter @okonh0wp


I agree with your opinion of Jack Black, for some reason I've never taken to him. don't think his humour is my style. I actually thought the first episode was OK and it held promise for a good programme. Perhaps the first episode didn't have too much humour and I thought it was one of those programmes where they try to play straight faced and bring the humour in subtly and ironically. The second episode[only up to the second here in England] there was more attempts at humour, but for me I felt it was too forced[ trying too hard?] and not original in the slightest. I'm not saying it's rubbish, just perhaps not for me. I will try the next one to see if I can get into it but it is losing me.

You may well ask why I started watching it if I didn't like Jack Black and his humour in the first place. Well It looked interesting in a few clips of a trailer I saw and I am always prepared to give things a chance.


I think this is just light hearted entertainment. SInce it's coupled with HBO's Ballers they make a great pair for Sunday nights during the summer. Wacky, silly, goofy whatever it's a short, fun show esp. since nothing much else is on TV until late Sep/early Oct.

Shall we play a game?


The second episode[only up to the second here in England] there was more attempts at humour, but for me I felt it was too forced[ trying too hard?] and not original in the slightest.

This is exactly what I thought!!

It's not that the show isn't funny, it's that they hand deliver the comedy to you, and sometimes almost shove it down your throat. Like: "AREN'T YOU HEARING THIS?? DIDN'T YOU SEE WHAT THAT GUY JUST DID?? IT'S FUNNY ISN'T IT??!! LAUGH, DAMMIT!!"

Like you mentioned, the humor on this show isn't being done ironically or in a sly/clever way. They're being a bit too obvious and "in-your-face" with the comedy and I have to admit that it's not really my cup of tea (the comedy). You don't have to be particularly quick or intelligent to understand the jokes on 'The Brink'. There's nothing wrong if you actually like that type of humor, but I'm worried that the viewers are going to get bored with that after a while and the network will decide to pull the show due to low ratings and/or lack of viewers.


I usually don't enjoy Jack Black at all, but he is not that bad in this show.

The rest of the cast is great. This show is entertaining if you like geopolitical sardonic (Scornfully mocking or cynical.) satire/comedy...

nothing much else is on TV until late Sep/early Oct.

Have you been watching Mr. Robot on the USA network? It could be the best new show of this summer.

Ratings: 9.2/10 from 38,260 users

Compared to The Brink

Ratings: 7.7/10 from 4,238 users.


  


To me he's the only thin funny on the show.

Joseph Chastainme


I usually hate Jack Black in movies and TV shows (even though I love Tenacious D), but I think he actually suits the role this time.


> I think the one thing that hurts this show is Jack Black.


Yes, Jack Black sucks big time. He is just annoying and not funny.


His problem is he's consistently typecast and is in danger of becoming a one-trick pony. Wish he'd do something completely different.

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!


LOL, Jack Black? Typecast? Being Jack Black is what he does.

It's not like he's got anything approaching "range" from what I've seen. Is he in anything where he isn't the "Jack Black" character? The only roles I can think that even partially vary from that in The Jackal and King Kong, but he's still pretty much true to the brand.

It's not like I've seen everything he's done, by any stretch, so maybe he's done something that I'm not aware of that isn't the typical Jack Black character. It's a pretty good living, I would imagine. He keeps getting work.

Edit: fixed a typo


Yeah that's what I figure - if he's earning money in his comfort zone no need to stretch his acting chops. Lucky old him! Wonder if that will sustain him as he ages though.

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!


Wish he'd do something completely different.



Yes, Bernie! Good call :)


i 2nd that


Actually Zeke and Glenn are slowly starting to grow on me.

I'll actually be the first to admit though that after seeing Pablo Schreiber (Zeke) do plenty of performances that deserved a standing ovation that this character and this show in general is kind of beneath his standards. But then again he's mostly known for doing drama and not comedy, so I'm willing to cut him some slack.

It's the writing that I think hurts them, not the actors themselves.



Nope, their bits are actually my favorite so far.

I'm only semi-interested in Jack Black's character and I pay even less attention to the drunken, man-whore, secretary of defense.



That might be a decent point.
I've seen 5 episodes in a row because I have a screener and the material moves really fast. If they aired two episodes in a row that might be better, but networks only air two episodes in a row to burn them off, it's not a good distribution strategy
Twitter @okonh0wp


The show would work better if it were 15 minutes. An hour would be the equivalent of getting a hydrochloric acid enema.



I agree that their storyline is bad but I think it is the dialogue as well. Although I like Pablo I am not feeling the other actor. II guess they like it for comic contrivance but these 2 servicemen are too stupid to get through basic no way do they become top guns.


I agree with you about the pacing feeling rushed and squeezed into a less than half-hour format. In fact, I rated it 9/10 instead of a perfect score for just that reason. Interesting to know that I am not the only one who feels that way.

I think I understand your intention behind the college frat boys vs middle-aged white guy writers. BUT, even though I am not a middle-aged white guy, but a middle-age lady, I wonder if you are implying that you expect middle-aged guys to not have a juvenile sense of humor? I'm wondering if possible it is a generational perspective? Maybe middle-aged people are just goofier than previous generations' middle-agers? From my perspective, my generation (mid-fifties) seem to be much goofier than previous generations of fifty-somethings.


I think I understand your intention behind the college frat boys vs middle-aged white guy writers. BUT, even though I am not a middle-aged white guy, but a middle-age lady, I wonder if you are implying that you expect middle-aged guys to not have a juvenile sense of humor?

All I can say for sure is that the writers for THIS show in particular kind of have a juvenile sense of humor, not middle aged white men in general.

I might be biased because I have an "old soul" and I personally tend to favor humor that is 'smart-funny'; humorous jokes/references that require the viewer to have a certain level of intellect, you know? Clean, witty humor that isn't spoon fed to the audience. Humor that makes you think as well as makes you laugh. 'The Brink' definitely does it a little bit, but not in big doses.

Not that there's anything wrong with a juvenile sense of humor (to an extent) but I'm not as impressed when writers get heavy handed with using crude language and dirty jokes. It's just that that anyone can do it, which is probably why it's so popular.

Witty but clean humor is harder to pull off because it's almost like the one producing the humor is making their audience "work" for it and a lot of people find that boring.


This show takes a single joke idea and then mutilates it into the ground. A perfect example of that is the stupid elevator music. How many times in one episode can you go back to the well? I think they did it like 4 or 5 times. These scripts are so not tight, it's not even funny (literally). There are dozens of examples of similarly "killed" jokes that weren't even funny the first time (Uncle Creepy anyone?). It appeals to people with extremely juvenile senses of humor or very whacked out humor. The show has "something" there, but these aren't the right people to be doing the show. And I think everyone involved with the show is probably really happy with what they've done since it hasn't even improved slightly since the Pilot.

As a "classic" example of what's wrong with the show, imagine how much better it would have been if Tim Robbins and John Larroquette were playing each others' parts instead.


These scripts are so not tight, it's not even funny (literally). There are dozens of examples of similarly "killed" jokes that weren't even funny the first time (Uncle Creepy anyone?). It appeals to people with extremely juvenile senses of humor or very whacked out humor. The show has "something" there, but these aren't the right people to be doing the show.

I hate to admit it, but I have to agree. Again, I don't think the show is 100% terrible, but the "hit n miss" jokes are definitely obvious and I cringe every time I notice it.

I honestly think that the storyline has potential and the actors are not bad either; what kills everything is the delivery. It's almost like they're trying to shove the comedy down your throat, like "HAHA, LOOK AT THAT!! THIS IS FUNNY ISN'T IT?? DID YOU HEAR WHAT THAT GUY JUST SAID??? IT'S SOOOO FUNNY!!! LAUGH, DAMMIT!!!"

With a subject matter that involves things like the US military, potential global war, culture clashes, etc, you have to tread lightly, especially if you're trying to use those components in a comedy. I think there's a way to pull it off, but the writers for the show are dancing all around it by watering down all the jokes and references by using crude, "on-the-nose" humor.

If they were taking requests from the audience, I'd ask them to keep the storyline and actors for the 2nd season and just replace the writers. I'd also recommend that the people involved in making this show watch movies that were written/directed by Mel Brooks. Brooks is an expert at making light of serious subject matters in a smart way.


The show is a farce, so I overlook loads of unrealistic aspects that come with the territory, but for some reason, I had trouble accepting Zeke and Glenn being so totally inept after they ejected.

Zeke's drug storyline, them getting whacked out of their minds on the flight, Glenn blowing chunks all over the cockpit and randomly pressing a button to launch a missile that destroys the drone -- I'm fine with all that. But having zero survival and evasion skills on the ground? That was a bridge too far for me. Flight crews have extensive training on how to survive and not get caught if they have to eject in hostile territory, and for them to be total nitwits about it is as ridiculous as if they didn't know something rudimentary about flying the plane.

I really enjoy the show. A well-done farce is a rare thing these days, and it's not as if the survival/evasion thing is a killer blow, but it did bug me.


US #1.. Even been trained on how to enjoy a bamboo stick up ones but.

C I Am Not a 'Chicken shiet'


I think you responded to the wrong post, though I can't be sure because your post doesn't make sense.
