Where is Sega?

How can a documentary about the history of video games dont talk about Sega? And Sonic is only on 3 seconds of it. What a shame.


Sega really gave Nintendo a run for its money. They should of focused further on how Sega was marketed towards older gamers and made Nintendo look like a kids toy. Then discussed how the company totally crapped on the consumer when they kept releasing new hardware and not committing to any of it. But who has time for a history lesson when we have to endure 10 minutes about the support the gaming community gave a guy after a stroke. Which is a very cool thing to do, not knocking it. But a neat story like that is DVD bonus material, and not something you put in the finished documentary.


Don't know what you were watching but they did about 10 or so minutes on Genesis.


They did? I don't remember. I know one guy mentioned it at one point and there were clips of Sonic games.


Genesis was always on the timeline. How much did we need? Their systems went away.


What was missing was Coleco Vision!
