So Season Two is gonna

I could be wrong but what I get from the clips for season two seems to suggest that either the couple reinvent themselves as swingers or the two take their own individual paths to discovering what they want to do with their lives. If you look close it even seems as if the angry husband from last season who goes to their home with the gun is the same man that “Sexually charged” Grace is leading back to a room in what appears to be a sex club. All I can say is that among the long list of shows that have been canceled after one season (or a few episodes) this one seem to have been worthy of getting the axe!!!

I know TV markets “escape” but fortunately for me this show and characters are not some place I want to “escape” to! Even when a show has a complexed or otherwise interesting characters, we are supposed to feel something for them, hate, empathy or even disgust? I don’t care about anyone on this show one way or the other, perhaps because they are written in a particular way or perhaps I just can’t relate or care about them regardless?

I’ve been a long time fan of the network since the days of Monk, Psych and Burn Notice. I just don’t get the deliberate turn to “dark” and “provocative” TV all in the name of ratings or “shock value!” I’m mistaken for a prude because of my comments or beliefs on this issue, but I don’t watch a show because it is billed as “provocative” or “adult content” I have sex in the real world so that’s no “hook” for me. I may get mistaken for a troll, but I just don’t like USA networks efforts to “go provocative” with this and other shows it delivered a short while ago, "Rush" which debuted with Satisfaction got canceled thankfully and this show should have went with it!

I WANNA CONQUER THE WORLD... or at least the tri-state area


I agree with you, from the promo for season 2 it looks like neil and grace are going to attend swinger/escort parties and sleep with other people. Im not sure if they separate or divorce but if its anything like season 1 then I hope to god this will be the last season. Season 1 ended perfectly, they both find each other again later in life and want to be with each other. But now grace will not only sleep with simon, they had a lot of insinuating scenes with the sisters photographer boyfriend.

Im not really looking forward to it much, I kinda wish they renewed rush instead.


Well they both have experience with prostitution. One is a male hooker and the other solicites them. So their future is as good as their tricks.


Of the two shows, Satisfaction and Rush that USA introduced last year, I would have much rather seen a second season of Rush. I was disappointed they kept Satisfaction over Rush. USA is a total whore network. They care less about quality and more about profit. Their programming is all over the place. They got lucky with Mr. Robot. The rest of their original programs are bad to OK. Their repeats of SVU and NCIS are the best shows they air. 


Just think that I originally came to USA network due to shows like Monk, Psych and Burn Notice, all of which are gone now and replaced with shows like Satisfaction. I don’t get the shows appeal, nor do I like any of the characters. I know fans of this show will tell me just not to watch and that’s fine, but my issue is this type of programming seems to be what the network is going for today so even when this gets canceled what will take its place? (something similar.)

I WANNA CONQUER THE WORLD... or at least the tri-state area


They care less about quality and more about profit.

Just putting in a quick reality check for context here, you *have* seen the SyFy channel, haven't you?


I actually don't think I've seen anything on the SyFy channel. What is your point?


What is your point?

Well, first of all, this:

I actually don't think I've seen anything on the SyFy channel

... rather makes my point for me in a far more poetic and functional manner than can be explained. But if I must articulate, there are two actually.

First, you said "they [USA Network, c/o Universal Television] care less about quality and more about profit."

To which one must reply: Of course. And? Your perception of quality notwithstanding, that's what pays the bills.

Second, there are far more examples of other networks providing sub-par fare on a consistent basis like Lifetime or SyFy who take a wholly formulaic "paint-by-numbers" approach to their original programming.

After binge-watching the entire second season of "Satisfaction" this weekend, I have to say there were a few missed cues -- the plastic surgeon was a complete throwaway subplot (which thankfully didn't survive an entire episode), and Anika's "journey" didn't further her character or introduce necessary tension or resolution to the story (in fact, Anika's only true impact to Neal and Grace was taken as a few discussion lines as how Neil and Grace's decisions would impact her).

There were more, but for me this show made far more hits than it did misses, and I'm glad I invested the time to finish and hope there will be a third season.


Second, there are far more examples of other networks providing sub-par fare on a consistent basis like Lifetime or SyFy who take a wholly formulaic "paint-by-numbers" approach to their original programming.
I didn't understand what you meant since I don't watch that channel. The reason I say that about USA is because I rant on Twitter about it all the time and there's a guy on there who works for USA and he responds to me with comments that lead me to believe some of the shows that I think are beneath USA, like a reality show, earn big bucks.
