MovieChat Forums > Knucklebones Discussion > "Metacarpophalangeal Joints"

"Metacarpophalangeal Joints"

I guess that doesn't have the same ring as "Knucklebones". Maybe "Phalanges"? Humans don't really have specific knuckle bones; knuckle is a layman's term that refers to the tendon joint between the the metacarpals and phalanges. I was hoping this was a movie about haunted dog bones.


"Knucklebones" is just an archaic misnomer for the game Jacks.

My question is why didn't the final girl just use a nearby dead person's bones instead of cutting off her own hand? Was there a rule about it having to be her own hand?


I wondered the same thing. Maybe she had to use her bones since she had been to Hell briefly? Or, she just wasn't too bright.
