MovieChat Forums > Reclaim (2014) Discussion > When did John Cusak go from good guy to ...

When did John Cusak go from good guy to villan???

Always a likeable guy but a few years ago he went from good guy to bad guy in all of his new roles and apparently there's no way back. Sad but true?!




No kidding!

And he seems to be aware of it.

His performance in this and in 'The Prince' -- not the Cusack I remember.

~~ Never trust the teller, trust the tale ~ ~ D.H. Lawrence


He”s not a villain, he”s a superhero... same outfit as in Drive Hard.


This trailer suggests to me that he is equally watchable in both kinds of role. I'd watch this film to see him, not the good guys.

Often bad guys are more interesting to play because they are often smart, for the most part in control and, because often people believe man is basically good but might go bad, bad guys are shown to be complex and multifaceted as apposed to good guys who are often plain and ordinarily good.

That said you do get complex and troubled good guys with a hint of bad in them but they are harder to create well. Actors have got to keep working between those parts.


In 2012!!! BOOM TISH!!!!



I have a great idea for the perfect Cusak film! Picture this: Cusak plays a love-lorn character working in a record shop along side your usual wise-cracking sidekick, Jack Black! It could really be funny!


Follow John Cusack on Twitter and you'll realize he is much more than "just an actor".


He's a formerly likeable actor who became a hack so he can fund his George Bush movie.


The Frozen Ground ?


He's a good actor.
But when most guys get a certain age they go for the character roles and the most fun character roles are the bad guy..
So trust me, he realizes he's older. He's going for a certain look to suit the roles. Not denying his age.
