Well-made Telenovela

Did anybody else feel that way? I mean it's very entertaining, with  production values tantamount to a big Hollywood flick, and acting is OK. It's not a waste of an afternoon...However  I just can't  shake the feeling that this is just another telenovela plot. You know: rich but kind-hearted Boy meets poor but beautiful Girl (who may or may not be his servant, but in any case, she's his social inferior) and hence forbidden passion materializes. Boy decides to "risk it all" for love and ALMOST gets around to -you know-  defying society and whatnot to do so...but alas, that never happens successfully in these types of stories until -of course- it's "too late". Girl goes along with all of this because Boy is a)rich, b)hot  (but they all are), and c)kind-hearted in a way that only She understand and can soothe the depths of this "galan's" ennui.
BIG drama will ensue on the heels of seemingly innocuous circumstances (check). When everything seems like it's FINALLY going to be OK (in this case: Boy decides to go visit dying sister w/o Girl because society.. but you can pick any ordinary situation when they'll be separated by a nanosecond and a couple of blocks), the telenovela equivalent of the moment in a horror movie when the protagonist says: "I think we'll be safe now" and prematurely breathes a sigh of relief before sh*the really hits the fan happens.
Protagonist may experience the following:  tears, sex, some illegitimate kids, some illogical circumstances (can't you send for your oh-so-loved family...ever? Pick up the phone once in a while? A telegram perhaps?), some promises to be forever faithful...followed by the existence of another (socially accepted/white) wife and kids because you know, it turned out forever was just too darn long; secrets revealed until it's "too late"; more tears; more sex. Sometimes Girl will get lucky and gets to transition into the "big house" (if she's REALLY lucky, she might even get a makeover too! Yay); or sometimes she'll stop being a Girl and has to inexplicably (but oh-so-poetically) drown herself. Let us not forget: in telenovela-land only the young, fit and hot are capable and deserving of true looove. Ahh! But in the end, there's always HOPE goddammit...
But for real, honest to goodness: I'm not, not NOT hating on the movie. I mean what I said about it being enhoyable, it's well made and decently acted, and I promise, watching it won't be a waste of your afternoon...But OK, I'll admit, I AM hating a bit on the story (it  doesn't help its case at all that this was based on a book... unless there are ripped bodices and shirtless men on the cover, in which case it would make perfect sense)...which brings me to my point (I always had one): People, this script HAS to change!!!
Put a twist on it, shake it up a little. Look at "Indochine" for example: it took the same  telenovela script and just inverted the genders' on the power dynamics roles, et voilà: Best Foreign Film Oscar. So go ahead: kill her Misery. Just something, anything...cause it's old as *beep* and I'm tired.


Telenovelas are dramas usually with happy endings (you forgot rich,good and decent girl falls in love with hot and dangerous poor boy though).

This movie is a tragedy, an impossible love story like Romeo and Juliet, with an interracial couple in an apartheid era instead of feuding families, and based in a very specific real escenery and time period with real events in Equatorial Guinea. Almost the same ingredients, but total different dish.


No. It was a brilliant, sweeping epic.
