This game fvcking rocks

Seriously go play it right now


I saw someone play it on youtube, and yeah.. It looks like a great game. Especially if you're into the old point-and-click games like Broken Sword. (Which I am ;) ).
I just downloaded it to my Xbox. :)


Already finished Episode 1 twice and I can say that just like with Walking Dead, it’s gonna be tough waiting for all the next episodes in the series. Damn, this game is awesome!

,,No way? Thats great! We landed on the moon!"


I read both the comics and on enjoying this game a lot more than the walking dead ones. And am I wrong or is that Sutherland's voice as Bigby?


It's Steve Blum according to the credits


He's well known for playing the gritty-voiced, tough guy characters -- like Wolverine. He probably had the best Wolverine voice.
