Gabe's Conundrum?

I wonder if Gabe will appreciate the dripping irony of the interpersonal relationships in his sphere anytime soon? It appears that he is rather upset and angry about Max/ Carter betraying Taylor, but he has been the "other guy" involved with the engaged guidance counsellor and contributed to her incarceration, potential loss of career and likely the end of her marriage plans - presumably as just a "conquest".

AND he has not only known about his Dad having an affair with his friend's Mom for years but thinks it is OK because it brought his Dad out of his funk after his Mom died and his Dad is now happy! Never mind that his friend's family is torn apart because of it.

So will he be a hypocrite in that it is OK for some to cheat but not others? Or will he become the adult and tell his Dad that his pursuit of a married, albeit troubled, woman and mother is taking advantage of her vulnerability and that it is just WRONG after all.

AND will he fess up to his involvement with the counsellor and take ownership for his part in the affair BEFORE the evidence identifies him as the minor?

The only ADULT in this show is Grant - he seems to have raised himself quite well as he can sort out right from wrong despite the worst possible role models (parents) and messed-up siblings.


Yeah, Gabe really ticked me off. First he pressured Bird to tell him Carter's/Taylor's business, then he decided to take it personally and get involved. It was none of his business, and he was not in a position to get upset over something that involved people who, while there may be feelings, are not in a relationship. As you pointed out, Mrs. Wilson is married, and while he didn't know the guidance counselor was engaged, he still knew what they were doing is illegal.


Yes, you are correct that Gabe didn't know she was engaged but as you point he knew it was illegal - especially as his Dad is in law enforcement. It would an ironic twist if Gabe took by ownership of his trangression with the counsellor (sooner or later he will be identified as the corespondent anyway) by acknowledging it was wrong and see if his Dad says to himself: "wait a minute - I'm actually doing the same thing with Liz"! OR Gabe points it out to him!


Gabe was a dick. Going all psycho. He should've stayed home to pacify his pathetic childish dad.


Gabe actually cared about the guidance counselor and I don't think he knew she was engaged.

I think you're being really unfair about Gabe and his father's affair. He was just a boy when the affair started and it's not like he wouldn't have understood if Elizabeth had realized that the affair was wrong.

When the stars are the only things we share
Will you be there?

-Benjamin Francis Leftwich


Yeah it really appears they can't keep the characters straight anymore and are absolutely determined to make them all unlikable hypocrites that take little responsibility for any of their actions. Totally not just talking about the teenagers here, either.

I was shocked at how suddenly Elizabeth and David got back together, after all the drama and mess they put their kids through.

It makes me wonder why I bother watching.
