I'm just done

Just watched the latest episode and I really haven't enjoyed the series after the first season. Great premise, horrible execution. Stuck with it because I thought it'd be a show that would explore the premise of family dynamic after a child is lost and then found after such a long period. Now its just turned into a typical teen-soap-drama about who is sleeping with who. Dropping it now because I don't want to see Taylor cheat on Max with Gabe, and can't get over the out-right retardedness of some of the show's storyline(Lori getting off scott-free and then also is given a child to raise- Carter working at a bar where her merely being there can cost the owner his liquor license and not being able to wait a whole year to finish school, she has to drop out right-this-second, no one reporting a rapist of highschool students even when he attempted to rape the daughter of a police officer)

Its just too much. Never lived up to the promise of its premise. Which is too bad. Jumping the shark doesn't even begin to describe what this show has become.

If you enjoy this kind of over-the-top melodrama then I'm happy for you. For me its just too much. I'm out



I stopped watching after the 2B premiere but I have been reading a recap of the current episodes. I agree that the writers seemed to not know what the show is and took it in a teen's making bad choices while they go to parties direction. To me the show was about a 16 year old girl who was raised by her kidnapper, and having to integrate back into her family, while still having feelings of love for the woman who kidnapped her. I have always understood why Carter makes bad decisions but the show has tripled down on teens making bad decisions with the friends and now the Ben character.

Here is what I would have done if I was a writer for Finding Carter.

1) Lori is mentally ill and ends up in a mental institution. Carter visits her at least once a month and has a relationship with Lori.

2) Carter has serious issues dealing with being back, and will continue to make bad decisions. However, she does not drop out of school and work at a bar at 17.

3) Taylor develops the same mental illness as Lori. There is a genetic component to mental illness.

4) The book David is writing about Carter comes out, is a best seller, and David becomes even more full of himself.


Not only do I dislike the Maxlor/Gabe triangle, but using a rape attempt to demonstrate that Gabe cares about Taylor with him dashing in like Superman was twisted.

Now she's decided not to tell Max--there's not any way for this to turn out well for
Maxlor. Max will be hurt twice over because Taylor didn't tell him and because he wasn't there to protect her.

I think this season hasn't been as good because once the kidnapping mystery was solved, the writing suffered. The remaining storylines aren't too interesting. I don't see why Maxlor ever happened if the writers plan to sink that ship.


I totally agree with both of you.

It's way too unrealistic. The show is giving the kids grown up problems. And the parents being aware of the behavior and not doing anything doesn't fly with me.
