Fake ID or not...

Carter looks like she is a 10 year old, no matter how many shirts she wears or how obviously she tries to show off her bra straps, (which she has no reason to wear in the first place). If she gets the job as a cocktail waitress it will be hilarious...


The actress is actually 24 in real life.


And looks nothing like a real teenager.


I know this show *really* begs the viewers to suspend their disbelief, but how are we really supposed to buy that A. the bar OWNER isn't going to ask for a social security card when hiring someone to serve alcohol and B. a busy bar is going to hire a completely inexperienced bartender when the other workers are clearly making craft drinks?! (I doubt the average viewer even has a slight idea of what a Moscow Mule is....also while I'm on the subject, WHAT weeded bartender recommends a drink that has more than one ingredient and goes in a specialized glass rather than just pouring a draft beer!!!? And who the hell is drinking multiple margaritas at a club late at night. WOULD. NEVER. HAPPEN. 1/10)


This is unrealistic but everything else on the show is? It's called fiction for a reason, nitpicking one thing is ridiculous.

We can watch the world devoured in its pain


haha I know...I've been itb for years, I just can't look past it!


Moscow mule is great.

I agree with your post
